
Songtext Wise up Common


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Wise up

(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place

Three wise men came to visit where I've been
They brought gifts with the southside blend
One had Hennessey—the other, a book of street ministry
The third gave a mirror and told me to remember me (Huh)
Assemblies of similes and metaphors
Analogies—this analog
The reservoirs I come from, niggas got the dog in 'em (Woof)
They become gods, no longer wit' hog in 'em (Huh)
I saw venom in the eyes of a snake
The Solomon for common men, I wise up the place
Like a prize in a race, that boy hold the metal
By the scars on his face, I could tell he know the ghetto (Huh)
Where we both tryna get to, it ain't coincidental
His is on the streets, mines is over instrumentals
The Lord sent my mental to be more than sentimental
The ventricles that I vent through are temples of what I been through

(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place

Holy ground and killers, Lord willers, drug dealers
Monks wit' kis, the Go-rillas, Chicago iller
Some know Dilla, rich cars fulfill us (Huh)
Parents tryna get they kids to eighteen, so they will us (Huh)
Youngins is restless, investments in vest-es
My man ain't from Dallas, but he know where the TECs is—hold 'em
My poker face is golden
Pedigree of a legacy that's stolen (Huh)
Wise like the old man wit' food in his beard
And when he cry freedom, it's jewels in his tears
Blues and the beers, outside interference
A sleuth for the truth, it's clues in the years (Huh)
I unrued the fears so that I could get biz
Like the diabolical and do the improbable
That anything's possible—ill, but it's logical
Touched by black angels so you can feel the molecules (Huh)

(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Why don't you wise up, show all the people?
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Yo, listen) (Huh) Wise up, show all the people
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Huh) Wise up, wise up
(Yo, listen) (Huh) Wise up, wise up
(Yo, listen) (Huh) Wise up, wise up
(Yo, listen) (Huh) Show all the people in the place
(Huh) Why don't you wise up?
(Yo, listen) (Huh) Wise up, wise up
(Huh) Wise up, show all the people in the place
(Huh) (Yo, listen)
(Yo, listen, yo, listen) (Huh)
(Yo, yo, listen) (Huh)

Love is—

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