
Songtext Dreamin' Common


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From the stellar regions of the soul

Dreamin', dreamin'
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you

Baby we can do it, take your time, do it right
I was hearing melodies and rhythms through the night
This was a dream that felt real, like a fight
What made it real was J Dilla was there in the light
A movement was happenin', H Brown was rappin' it
Kool G and Polo talkin' 'bout they back again
I seen Prince, he was time travelin'
Through the Morris Days and Gladys Knights
Sheila E reminded me about the glamorous life
Ali was tellin' me why he had to fight
The struggle he never left so we could have our rights
Biggie and Prodigy told me to grab the mic
I was shook
No, ain't no such thing 'cause when I touch dreams, they become things
As the sun beams
I seen Queens like Latifah, Chaka, as I daydream with Aretha

Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you

It was all a dream
I was talking to Dr. King
He told me to dream in ways that the prophets dream
Like the one he had when nobody could wake him
Or Nelson Mandela, when prison couldn't break him
Malcolm was in the window, he said, "As Salamu Alaykum"
Told Barak to rock the nation again, he got my nomination
The population in prison was labeled as forgiven
This was a God dream, hip-hop was our religion
Stevie's vision of ribbons in the sky
It's the good life we was livin' in the Chi
Seen Trugoy the Dove, he begin to fly
Told him Pos and Mase De La will never die
Me and Yasiin was holdin' rappers at bay
One, two, checkin' **** like back in the day
That's when Dr Angelou told me I should sing
A caged bird with brave words for higher things, I got wings

Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
I'm dreamin', dreamin'
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you

Daydreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you
I was sittin' by myself, that's what drinkin' will do
I was nice, nice as I escaped the mean world
I'm tellin' you, you the supreme, dream girl
If I could interpret the way Joseph did dreams
Then everyone would be as close as it seems
Whether I'm with a woman or a microphone
Ajile told me to dream but write my own

Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
I'm dreamin', I'm dreamin'
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
I'm dreamin'

The Auditorium
Common Sense, Pete Rock

Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you
Daydreaming and I'm thinking of you

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