
Songtext Lonesome Common


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Are you lonesome like me? (Are you lonesome?)
Could you be lonesome (Are you lonesome?) for me?
Oh (Are you lonesome?)
Could you be lonesome (Are you lonesome?) for me?
Oh (Are you lonesome?)
Are you lonesome (Are you lonesome?) like me?
(Are you lonesome?)

I thank God for the day and my cousin Ajile
And the on? that got away, I'm the potter's clay
Speak and it will b? just like my mama say
I'm seekin' to be free like a holiday
My man get the work off, I'm tryna get these words off
Pops left, love gone, that was my first loss
Skin in the game like I'm playin' with my shirt off
A lot on my shoulders, I'm tryna get the dirt off
Somehow it comes back, every love I'm in
My endless love always comes to an end
In the cycle, I spin like Michael Jackson
Moonwalkin', I do often, I knew loss in
Places where hurt tried to find its home
Like I'm tryna buy a house, I find myself alone
When love is in the air with the wind, I be gone
My grandma say "You don't wanna die alone"

Could you be lonesome (Are you lonesome?) for me?
Oh (Are you lonesome?)
Are you lonesome (Are you lonesome?) like me?
(Are you lonesome?)

Read 23rd Psalms and feel the world in my palms
Close my eyes, I still feel my baby girl in my arms
Learned love from my moms, from my pops, I got charm
Grew up around the Stones, they told me to rock on
With that, the world accordingly, they knew that there was more to me
Learned to love the mic so I pursued it Jordanly
Sometimes I felt alone like nobody thought of me
Before I formed in the womb, God thought of me
Don't take for granted what divine order ordered me
Fears, they fought in me, tears, they watered me
This was the hustle to set me and my daughter free
Family supported me, combatin' the mortal me
Here's embroidery of things that I oughta be
Peers applauded me for things I never saw in me
The artistry of loneliness, I paint a picture
Yea I walk through the valley to myself sayin' scriptures

Could you be lonesome (Are you lonesome?) for me?
Oh (Are you lonesome?)
Are you lonesome (Are you lonesome?) like me?
(Are you lonesome?)

Beautiful one, beautiful one
I'm proud of what you have become, you have become
And you doin' it young, though you say that you old
Them struggles to your goals is just the weight of your soul
If you fall on the path, just stay on the road
You a queen, you playin' with gold
Some things that happen in life, it's just the way that it goes
Onto your lovely self I pray that you're whole
Young Moye, I feel happy when I see you enjoy
Though, you always call me talkin' 'bout you annoyed
Some come, some go, remember daddy is home
Even when I'm gone, you're not alone

Are you lonesome (Are you lonesome?) like me?
(Are you lonesome?)
Could you be lonesome (Are you lonesome?) for me?
Oh (Are you lonesome?)
Are you lonesome (Are you lonesome?) like me?
(Are you lonesome?)
Could you be lonesome (Are you lonesome?) for me?
Oh (Are you lonesome?)

This is a super, super blast, blast
This is a su—, su—, super blast, blast
Listen, listen
Su—, super blast, blast
Su—, super blast, blast
Su—, su— (Fellas), super blast
Su—, super blast, blast
One more time, I wanna give the drummer some of this funky soul we got here

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