
Songtext So many people Common


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So many people

So many people
So many people
So many people

So many people seek her, me especially
The H.E.R. I'm talkin' 'bout right now is Destiny
She and I was 'posed to meet to chop it up
I wanted to ask her in like but I was gettin' stuck
Many times, she said some of that was in my mind
And grind plus the right time equals divine
Ask if I would see a sign where I'm supposed to be
She said, "Just be free and get close to me
Destiny, to get dough, you've got the recipe
And I'm Anita Baker, giving you the best of me"
I got to a spot where I didn't know if you were true
With so many voices, how do I know when it's you?
She said, "I met you, boy, when you was ten years old
That rap that I gave you was a part of your soul
Any time you feel that, know that it's gold
Stick with me and your story will forever be told by many people"

So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people

Some people live by her, some ignore her
Her name is Faith, I always loved the aura
The more I got to know her I became like Noah
The ark of my life, a prover and shower
She showed up for me in the darkest times
Conversations with her would spark my mind
My heart would find reasons that I needed her
She saw a future in me, reputation preceded her
Eager to be with her, my soul would leap for her
I lost love once, but still kept keepin' her
My miseducation was the doubtin' in me
Through valleys and Lauryn Hill, she moved mountains for me
The times I was broke, she was countin' for me
Money I would make rappin' over breaks
A Faith like Evans or light from the heavens
Her personality pleasant, still use her like a weapon
Many people

So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people

Some people see her for the future, some see her for now
Her name is Hope, she first spoke to me as a child
I would listen, I could see the glisten in her eyes
Her wisdom, it was wise, she envisioned I would rise
Under Chi' city skies, she said I'd become king
She sat by my side and reminded me to dream
Through schemes or rhymes, a queen sublime
The gates of heaven on Earth, yeah, we would climb
Though it seemed at times I would lose her
To get her back, like The Mack, I had to choose her
Dues of life, strife, struggle to survive
She ran with Jesse and them, they kept Hope alive
She spoke in the eyes of the first Black president
He would bring her around the Southside residents
Medicine for the masses seen through Hope's glasses
I pray that Destiny, Faith and Hope everlastin' for people

So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people

So many people
And what you and I have to let the man know is we are peaceful people
We are loving people
We love everybody who loves us
So many people
So many people
And what you and I have to let the man know is we are peaceful people
We are loving people
We love everybody who loves us
So many people
We are not violent with people
So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people
So many people
You are the very people of God
You do have a responsibility to wake up, clean up, and stand up

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