
Songtext Everything's so grand Common


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Everything's so grand

It's gonna be rainy days
When it's done, we gon' be good
Trust it's just a phase
When it's done, we gon' be good
You don't gotta save the world
We could take it one day at a time
You don't gotta save the world
We could take it one day at a time, yeah-yeah ("So grand")
Fam is all good pushin' through the hood and it's ("So grand")
Drink a little wine, take a little time and it's ("So grand")
I could do a show, get the dough and then go and it's ("So grand")
Travel with my girl so we could see the world and it's ("So grand")

Marvelous deeds, came up from the weeds
Uncle's eyes bleed, h? told me to believ?
Grew up around a lot of women, many did achieve
Some had cheap weaves, learned to deep breathe
In the current of it all, determined not to fall
I spring through the mayhem when it snows in April
They popped the blackheads like it was a facial, it's racial
Don't know where they tryna race to
What moms thought about pops, heard it in the hall
Sunshine I packed like Anderson, yeah, I heard it all before
Was tripped when you feel rich but you poor
And the only thing that got your back is the floor
That you slept on, I've been slept on
Pillow talk, riddle thoughts from the judgmental
But who can judge the mental when I'm in God's temple
This is borrowed time, my Chicago mind I leant to
Those that been through similar things that I've been through
My mental's monumental — who can knock it over?
Stayed in my prime like a rock in Boulder
A Buffalo soldier, my struggle knows culture
I've been on the road to the riches, man in Babylon
On the paper chase, I married the marathon
Of magnificent things and life that it brings
The sun shines again — yeah, we reign supreme

It's gonna be rainy days
When it's done, we gon' be good
Trust it's just a phase
When it's done, we gon' be good
You don't gotta save the world
We could take it one day at a time
You don't gotta save the world
We could take it one day at a time, yeah yeah ("So grand")
Fam is all good pushin' through the hood and it's ("So grand")
Drink a little wine, take a little time and it's ("So grand")
I could do a show, get the dough and then go and it's ("So grand")
Travel with my girl so we could see the world and it's ("So grand")

God, body and soul, a lobby in gold
From the concrete to lobby in roads
I spit the naked truth while I be in clothes
Trapped, I blow walls like Jerichos
And listen to the raw scoop, Peter hooked the raw loops
Success when you smell it, you can't spell it when it's all you
I seen seven-figure deals fall through
Good men I can trust, it's a small few
When we hooped at Foster Park, it fostered heart
And community to steward me through the foolery
Niggas dropped gems and jewelry to tutor me
Life schoolin' me with foreign car language spoke fluently
Congruently, the truancy of fathers, but we didn't bother
We the authors of our lifetime stories, I ask our Father
To write rhymes for me — yeah, He did with glory
Cup overflows, you never hear "Poor me"
Opportunity knocks, the ladies adore me
It's the rap game — who could outscore me?
As far as decades, I'm fuckin' with three like an orgy
Backyard pimpin', tellin' old stories
The City of Wind, I drink with champs like N.O.R.E
My trophy cases is seein' Black faces
Smilin' on a regular basis where grace is

It's gonna be rainy days
When it's done, we gon' be good
Trust it's just a phase
When it's done, we gon' be good
You don't gotta save the world
We could take it one day at a time
You don't gotta save the world
We could take it one day at a time, yeah yeah ("So grand")
Fam is all good pushin' through the hood and it's ("So grand")
Drink a little wine, take a little time and it's ("So grand")
I could do a show, get the dough and then go and it's ("So grand")
Travel with my girl so we could see the world and it's ("So grand")

I just gotta live my life
Live your life, live your life, girl, say what, say what
Tell me, can I live my life?
Live your life, live your life, girl, say what, say what
I just gotta live my life
Live your life, live your life, uh, yeah, say what, say what
Tell me, can I live my life?
Live your life, live your life, girl, say what, say what
I just gotta live my life
Live your life, live your life, girl, uh, say what, say what
Tell me, can I live my life?
Live your life, live your life, girl, say what, say what
I just gotta live my life
Live your life, live your life, uh, yeah, say what, say what
Tell me, can I live my life?
Uh, live your life, yeah, live your life, girl, live your life, girl, uh
Live your life, girl, so grand ("So grand")
Say what, say what, and we out, say what
("Everything is so grand")
("Everything is so grand")
("Everything is so grand")
("Everything is so grand")

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