
Songtext Fortunate Common


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A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte

I'm fortunate to be alive
Can't explain how I got here, but we've arrived
The deliverance of diligence from which we strive
It's the feelin'—it's no ceilin', is when we rise
Fortunate to have friends who don't synthesize
I keep good company—we enterprize
Had a strong gaze since infant eyes
I guess I can see the power in the prize
It's innervized by the streets identified
Other people's struggles, I don't minimize
Fortunate to be born and raised in the Chi
Salt-of-the-earth people with the bravest eye
They say, "Your guy is the truth"—
I wasn't raised to lie
Fortunate to be so que sera
Every day that I get up, I trace the sky
And draw with the most high on the place that I am
And that's fortunate

A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte

Fortunate for the breath of life
And the breath of the Lord through Reverend Wright
Fortunate in my house ain't a desperate wife
I study life so I can test the mic
The laboratory of a rapper's story from the alley to the allegory
I pour a rhyme into time, let it travel for me
The one with self is the biggest battle for me
Fortunate when I was twelve, I let rap allure me
Fortunate through the wilderness, I see the trees
In the forest, there's a lotta fallen MCs
Fortunate that the God shared the lessons
He returned to the essence—
I still feel his presence
Most of my bretherin are from '87
Childhood friends—I'm glad that I kept 'em
Fortunate for the wisdom of the elders
And my grandmother and mother's love that never failed us
I'm fortunate

A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte
A água mais pura da fonte

Fortunate I was raised 'round my uncle Steve
And my uncle Charles—they both told me, "Believe"
The seeds of a revolutionary; evolutions vary
Necessary to become fruits and berries of our labor
Told ya, "Search for a savior"
Fortunate I had a chance to raise her
In the days on the unknown
I'm fortunate to come home to blocks we fought, we swung on
Fortunate the Lord put me on a path
To use the microphone for a rod and a staff
Fortunate that my heart and the beat knocks
The Windy City street bop; I'm fortunate for Pete Rock (Ayy)
I'm fortunate

A água mais pura da fonte (Ow!) (Come on)
A água mais pura da fonte (Ayy) (Come on) (Say what?)
A água mais pura da fonte (Ah) (Ow!)
A água mais pura da fonte (Woo-wee!) (Yeah)
A água mais pura da fonte (Ah)
—da fonte (Come on) (Yes)
I'm fortunate
—pura da fonte (Uh) (Let's go)
I'm fortunate
—da fonte (Uh) (Ow!) (Say what?)
A água mais pura da fonte (Ow!) (Yeah) (Woo-wee!)
A água mais pura da fonte (We fortunate) (Uh-huh)
A água mais pura da fonte (What?) (Let's get it)
A água mais pura da fonte (Uh-huh)
I'm fortunate
A água mais pura da fonte (Ah)
—da fonte (Yeah) (Yeah) (What?)
—da fonte
I'm fortunate
—pura da fonte (Uh) (Yeah) (Come on)
A água—

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