
Songtext We're on our way Common


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We're on our way

Our destination is constant elevation
You can tell the nation
We're on the rise through the lows and the highs
Tell the world to recognize
We've only just begun, we've only just begun
We've only just begun, we've only just begun

The Lord spoke, I listened to the vision I was given
It's the second Common
I've risen with the wisdom of the elders
Food, clothing, shelter, prosperity, health and joy
Is what I knelt for
I been dope once I learned who I dealt for
Knowledge of self, I felt more
Hot blocks, you melt or cook
My neck of the woods always got crooks
Cracks and crevices
I learned what the 7 is, the God number
And we the living evidence of things unseen
We come to run things
I keep good will and I stay hunting
I was on King drive, I had one dream
My drive is like King for us to have something
Destiny called, I answered in one ring
Seen a South Side girl become queen

Our destination is constant elevation
You can tell the nation
We're on the rise through the lows and the highs
Tell the world to recognize
We've only just begun, we've only just begun
We've only just begun, we've only just begun

The heavens open, we the outspoken
Provoking togetherness for the broken
People in the ghetto, we should never settle
It's I and I, let's keep it on the sparrow
I walk through the Chi like I was brother Harrold
Washington, I got me tons of votes that's mayoral
Kisses for luck for black businesses and such
On our Dame dollars, yeah, we getting bucks
Mill's walking through is a key to the hood
I sit with chairman Fred, yeah, he understood
A seat at the table, what it means when it's good
Street principles, stay on the deen for the hood
I seen cuzzo, he was on his hustle
On Halsted, finding his peace in the puzzle
Universal law, get what you give to the day
Umi said shine your light, we on our way

Our destination is constant elevation
You can tell the nation
We're on the rise through the lows and the highs
Tell the world to recognize
We've only just begun, we've only just begun
We've only just begun, we've only just begun

We've only just begun, I'm a son of the heavens
Magnificent, a black man's presence
Supreme mathematics, counting my blessings
What would hip hop be? I'm counting my presence
Resilience in my resonance
The brilliance in my elegance
Developed with the elements and compounds that shape who we are now
Ordered steps, the ladder ain't as far now
We the sun, moon, and star now
On the precipice
Touch the garments of modern black Jesuits
Afrofuturistic, we breathe in testaments
Like Robert Nesta said, this is the exodus to excellence

Our destination is constant elevation
You can tell the nation
We're on the rise through the lows and the highs
Tell the world to recognize
We've only just begun, we've only just begun
We've only just begun, we've only just begun

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