
Songtext All kind of ideas Common


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All kind of ideas

Listen, this is a—
Black from the future (Listen, listen)
Black from the future (Listen, listen)
Black, black, black, black
One more time
I wanna give 'em drummers some of this funky soul we got

Uh, what (All kind of ideas)
[?], uh-huh
Yeah, boy
Yeah, yeah, uh-huh
Uh, uh, yeah, ayo

I'm soul brother uno, black from the future
Make beats on the table if I break my computer (Break my computer)
Still make hits like I used to
Keep your top five, I'm god's favorite producer
Sixteen bars of pressure, no metronome
Thinking outside the box, that's a better zone
So many ideas coming out the wazoo (Uh)
It's only one of me, can never do what I do (Ayy)
Past, present and future; that is timeless (Uh)
Been a lot a things, but I never been rhymeless (Never)
Drums like scattered showers when I rain, man (Uh-huh)
Giving you food for soul, that's the game plan
Tears for fears, I said a shout out to all my peers
But I never ran out of all kinds of ideas, I said
Tears for fear, a shout out to all my peers
But never ran out of all kind of ideas

All kind, all, all, all kind of ideas
All, all, all kind of ideas
All kind of ideas, all kind of ideas...

Rack focus to the black Moses that's light skinned
A dawn like when the night end, the multi-hyphened
My stipend is ripened from Chi' to Big Apple
On the mic, I'm Micah Parsons any subject I tackle
And grapple with wack dudes
And school niggas like black schools 'cause they lack rules
Niggas mad 'cause I know that cash rules everything around me except my mind
The underground found me, and depth I find on the railroad
I unjail souls like harriet
Spitting chariots of fire through the wire and live barb fences
I murder MCs; some say that it's senseless
Bomber like a winter coat though I've been In the trenches
Known to go for it like fourth and inches
Move the chains, I maneuver through the game
My thought grab the mic like I'm on Soul Train
Foes came sporting fake smiles like dentures
Them monkeys been programmed; at them, I throw wrenches
Hunger for the game, your thirst never quenches
You search for mentions, I unearth dimensions
These are adventures from avalon benches
The real hip-hop, Com came to his senses
Extensions of a man, the master planned for years
For me to bring to the world (All kind of ideas)

All kind, all, all, all kind of ideas
All, all, all kind of ideas
All kind of ideas, all kind of ideas

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