
Songtext Stellar Common


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I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
The sport called the rhyme
The, the sport, sport called the rhyme
I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
The sport, sport, sport called the rhyme
The rhyme, the rhyme, the rhyme, the rhyme, the rhyme

I jam on anything I am on
About to blow like I'm tryna keep my hands warm
God MC, I came in a man's form
When I return to dust, it'll be a sandstorm
Tell the people, the master got plans for 'em
Pour a little liquor when I know my man's gone
Over bars, I'm never tender
With love I Force MD's to surrender
Ancient remedies that my gramps would remember
What I re-li-on, I'm a king like Simba
The people's agenda in my heart
Serve rappers à la carte
You playin' yourself, you should've never got the part
This is hip hop theater
In broad ways, I direct over meters of
Music, I'm the man, I'm the meteor
Landed on the planet like the rock of Gibraltar
My alter call is the call to never alter
Ain't shit sweet, I'm the salt of the Earth
Since the birth of the Nation of Islam
That taught me to eat to live, and to get calm
We keep shit fluid, like it's embalm
'88, set 'em straight like I'm Lynn Swan
It's pentatonic, the way that I be bending phonics
It was written like I'm living in a sonnet
They marvel at me like I'm in a comic
Iron sharp as Iron Man, it's ironic

I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme

Black your third eye with every word I spill
You can't understand how I could just kill
A man, an emcee without a plan
In the heat of the moment, still acted like a fan
Just cool out
And listen to me
This is Malcolm X-ray vision living through me
The unruly, unapologetic, unashamed
Brainstorm rains from flame to summer rain
My book of life has the color of change
Underrated like Steph, I discover my range
Thinking long in the Rover
In general, it's only so long I could soldier
Helmet of salvation, power pads on my shoulder
Third eye-full tower that'll never blow over
The more I grow older, the more I be sober
Minded what rhyme did, defined culture
Criminal minded, you know I'll find it
Whatever school I'm from, this is my assignment
Timed it to be timeless and binded on Earth
What's loosed in Heaven right now is this verse
Through adversity, some nigga will disperse
I'll add a verse and show a nigga what he's worth
Pete Rock is Spock
I got the inner Captain Kirk
Don't try to hit the streets
This is real men at work

I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme
I shine and rise at the same time
The mastermind of the sport called the rhyme

The, the rhyme, the rhyme
Com, Common Sense
Don't twist the facts, I'm back in this
Ladies and gentlemen
Com– Com– Common Sense
Don't, don't, don't
Don't twist the facts, I'm back
Would you listen?
Don't twist the facts, I'm back in this
I'm back in this
The rhyme
Hard to describe it
Don't twist, don't, don't, don't twist the facts
One can hear
Don't twist the facts, I'm back in this
To shut down the game
Common Sense
Don't twist the facts, I'm back in this
Ladies and gentlemen
Don't, don't, don't, don't twist the facts, I'm back
Common Sense
Would you listen?
Don't twist the facts, I'm back in this
Common, Common, Common Sense
The rhyme
Don't, don't twist, don't, don't, don't twist the facts
Hard to describe it
Common Sense
One can hear
Don't twist the facts, I'm back in this
To shut down the game
Common Sense
The rhyme
Common, Common Sense
The, the, the rhyme
Common, Common Sense
Com– Com– Common Sense
The rhyme, the rhyme
Com– Common Sense
The rhyme, the rhyme
The, the, the, the rhyme, the
Common Sense
The rhyme, the rhyme, the
The rhyme, the rhyme, the rhyme
Com– Com– Common Sense
The rhyme, the, the rhyme, rhyme
Common Sense
The rhyme, rhyme
Rhyme, rhyme, the rhyme
Com– Com-Com-Common Sense
The rhyme, the rhyme, the rhyme
Common Sense
Rhyme, the, the, the, the, the, the
Com– Com– Common Sense
The rhyme, the rhyme, rhyme, rhyme
Common Sense
Rhyme, the rhyme, rhyme
Com– Com– Common Sense
Rhyme, rhyme, rhyme
Common Sense
Rhyme, rhyme, rhyme
Common Sense
Common Sense
The rhyme, the rhyme

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