
Songtext This man Common


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This man

I drop a gem in the ocean
Soundwaves of underground days put this man in motion
I quarterback like water raps
And chocolate supported that, on stage, my daughter rapped
She was an infant, now she see infinity
I'm a gentleman, I let 'em down gently
Good energy around
Born to fly but still see the ground
In life I rebound
Like Draymond, I get green
I been on the inseam of big things
So my whole team can get rings
Saturn returned, some patterns were learned
I battled and burned as it would turn
The world, I told her that she would be mine
You got world power, I'ma help you refine
Heel up, wheel up, bring it back
I bust rhymes in sus times and touch minds till it's us time

Th-th-th-th-this man's arms
This man's arms
This, this man's arms
Th-this man's arms

Praise and emotion
Raised in devotion
The first shall be last as the days seem to close in
Had to let it go or in time, be frozen
Hip hop is a movement, I stayed in motion
Days get broken into pieces
Sometimes the moment whispers, "Come to Jesus"
Procedures of Cesars to try to seize us
Ease up, I don't F with 'em 'cause it's G's up
I hold down the fort like I'm Jeff
Every time I rock my hat to the left, it reminds me of Sef
The breath of the fallen
They breathe through my callin'
Poetic gestures, I'm rap's James Baldwin
The way I pass words, you don't have to log in
My mind visits places we've all been
Used to shop at Aldi with my mother, now I'm all in
360 open doors, I'm revolving

Th-th-th-th-this man's arms
This man's arms
This, this man's arms
Th-this man's arms

Downloads of hard drives on lakeshore
I told the crowd make money, but I need to make more
To pay for the rent and the parking tickets
While they pay for tickets for me to spark and kick it
Dark and wicked the game can be
I sit with the people, they understand me
Whether Grammy or Oscar, I keep the same posture
I keep a far eye like a rasta
On what's ahead
Locked in like a dread
We break bread to stay fed, no more nights of livin' baseheads
My public persona's the enemy of drama
I don't know no hustlers greater than my mama
Keep principles like Kwanzaa, Nia, and Umoja
My purpose is about unity for the culture
Ode to the greats who did it with grace and charm
The game's in good hands in this man's arms

Th-th-th-th-this man's arms
This man's arms
This, this man's arms
Th-this man's arms

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