
Songtext When the sun shines again Common


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When the sun shines again

When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win
When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win

I was born
Son of Mahalia so I received the gospel
Told to go spell it and bring it back to Chicago
Rap's DuSable for the street apostles
The Big Payback for the dollar that I borrowed
Bust raps for tomorrow
Where the guns clap and go, "Bravo"
My pops was a genie, livin' in a bottle
Light and dark in us
Our own vitilago
In pentacostal Chicago
Bravado and bravery
We went from cargo and slavery to got flow they pay to see
And took agency for what we made to be
With no reservations, I sit nigga down like a maître d'
Money ain't swayin' me
That's the Dave in me
Some took shots over bars
They ain't grazing me
The way I move from A to B
They hate to see
The Hawkins sang a song for me to live gratefully

When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win
When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win

We here to win, yo
I'm not the life of the party, I'm a spine to the cause
That align with the laws when you tally the assessment
On where lyrically best, when it's me on all fours
So they say that I'm a GOAT, but that I do ignore
'Cause a GOAT can be slaughtered and cooked up in curry
And ate up in hurry and that I can't afford, but
Never ignore the fact, me and Com
Is part sumthin' from the Qur'an or maybe part Corinthians
Part nigga like that group Cube or Ren be in
Or was in, either way, knocked em' down by the dozen
While cheers we're hearing, they understand
The wealth is the vehicle and knowledge be the steering when the sun

When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win
When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win

I sat in the wind and knew not to pretend
So many stories in the grin
The auditorium of Him
I'm Him
Even when the world didn't hear me
I had to spell it out, like KRS did Jimmy
The J, the I, I go hard
Like it is to say goodbye
You don't want beef when the stakes is high
Before I took off, I had to pray to fly
My faith and I
I keep one eye open, I'm the black Jack Sparrow
The God in the details, I rap that thorough
And listen to women and give 'em bio feedback
They need that and still lay pipe like Three Stacks
Over these tracks, I relapse like a dope fiend sprinter
Who's talking 'bout snow, but he don't mean winter
The sun shines again, what's due is all praises
Spit bars, get my people out of cages

When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win
When the sun shines again
We are one
We will win

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