
Songtext A god (there is) Common


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A god (there is)

There is a God
A true living God
There is a God
In the spirit of you

Landed from the heavens on the seven
My presence is a gift, I was destined like a reverend
No weapon formed against my sixth sense is a blessing
Congregation get a fifth and make Usher confessions
The Devil is a lie, angels made investments
There is a God, you seen a black woman's essence?
I been on a quest even when the world questioned
My testimony came from all the testing, one, two
I dream in words that come true
For the have-nots, there's things to undo
Windows of opportunity let the sun through
I'm a prodigy and prodigal son too
I return home with things that I learned
What's known is hard to earn, scars and burns
I guess hard times requires hard minds
I watch like a Rollie and stay on God's time

There is a God
A true living God
There is a God
In the spirit of you

There is a God
A true living God
There is a God
In the spirit of you

Intensity of divinity, assemble me
The energy of the Trinity, remember me
Hope the gates of Heaven ain't too finicky
May I enter thee?
Smelling like Hennessy
The imagery from which I'm made is unafraid
My people, we getting over, we underpaid
Was the Alabama brawl the scream of former slaves
Or freedom's ring from which we was born and raised?
It's shorter days
Wars and rumors, the makers, the owners, there's now more consumers
Turn the channel live, hope the Lord come through us
It's about the unseen
Not really how they view us
In lieu of there's colors in hues of
True love that came through blood
New minds and new love in pursuit of happiness
They ask if there's a Most High
Seek, and you'll find him close by

There is a God
A true living God
There is a God
In the spirit of you

There is a God
A true living God
There is a God
In the spirit of you

There is a God
There is a God
There is a God
There is a God

Put a callin' on my life, yes He does
And He blessed me every time, yes He does
And He casts my fears aside, yes He does
And He kept me through the night, yes He does

Put a callin' on my life, yes He does
And He blessed me every time, yes He does
And He casts my fears aside, yes He does
And He kept me through the night, yes He does

Put a callin' on my life, yes He does
And He blessed me every time, yes He does
And He casts my fears aside, yes He does
And He kept me through the night, yes He does

Put a callin' on my life, yes He does
And He blessed me every time, yes He does
And He casts my fears aside, yes He does
And He kept me through the night, yes He does

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