Ill Bill

Songtext World premier Ill Bill


World premier

It was a commercial on the DNA and hand gloves show
If you was there you’d know about the little rascal studio
Would you make a queen starve to death? Dude was a clown
But back then it was probably a cheaper studio in town
I’ll never watch a video music box of Ralphie Daniels
The rocket 30000, people surrounded by campers
First rhyme in ’82, first band ’87
First time we played it do or die it was very impressive
But we kept on practicing and we got better with time
Practice makes everything perfect out of my veteran prime
And as bigger the hip-hop or being clever with rhymes
‘Cause I actually feed my sea but these endeavors are mine
And it’s taken me round the world, said applies is crazy
But hard work can be a focus, get achieve it’s amazing
My uncle’s favorite Coopers gangster, I wish he was here
Rest in peace to Howard the Guru but salute to Premier

This is The Grimy Awards, when it’s time to record
I attack the beat breaks like a Viking with his sword
So throw your motherfuckin hands up in the air
Like you ain’t care, make some noise for DJ Premier

(Hook x2)
Say Primo, Primo
Ill Bill
It’s a world premier
World premier

I went from dreaming about working with extra PNP rock
But I’m not simmering down, they blessing me with heat rocks
Same thing with mugs, the same thing Primo up in the beat nuts
My dream team rejected me, your bloodstream, you bleed drugs
Done for preme but this one gots to be my favorite
But a fam afford mass appeal of daily operation
Just before they drop just to get a rep
I’ve been a fan of gangstar ever since words I manifest
Aye but it’s my favorite Primo joint to throw apartments
Either kick in the door or New York state of mind
Or 10 pack commandments or take it personal
Too many bangers to choose from, he’s too versatile
The future is now, joined rock stars unforgettable
The way he flipped above the clouds on the hook was incredible
Society is brainwashed, mind your business
This a world premier and I desire to live this

Like a grimy award, when it’s time to record
I attack the beat breaks like a Viking with his sword
So throw your motherfuckin hands up in the air
Like you ain’t care, make some noise for DJ Premier

(Hook x2)
Say Primo, Primo
Ill Bill
It’s a world premier
World premier

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