Ill Bill

Songtext Acceptance speech Ill Bill


Acceptance speech

Featuring A-Trak
Prod by Junior Markhno

First of all most, a toast to my mama, my pops
My daughter and my life, there’s no one more important than my life
Without them I wouldn’t be alive in the literal sense
And in the mind they are my inspiration to grind
My reason to live, rest in peace to my grandmothers and my uncles
That mold to the person I became and for that I love you
It’s difficult to explain through lyrics how much I miss you
Please accept the success I’ve achieved as a tribute
A testament to your impact
Your influence on everything I’ve ever did, you’ll forever live
I never been a religious person but still bear witness to a higher power
Some only pray in their final hour
But I remain grateful for my blessings
Thankful to the high, for the many gifts where the present
Past the futuristic, blessed to be able to express myself through words
A gift, thanks, use the lyrics

The winner is…
Ill Bill… number one
I feel very grateful, very humble
I wanna thank everyone
I’ve waited a very long time
I dedicate this to you for believing in me
I just wanna say… thanks… thank you

Secondly I’d like to address where it all pop
From fabric it rolled to your block
God of the booze, it’s all god marking the dude
Marking the groove, sharpening tools, we mad as a goon shoe
It’s shoe cast, a modern day goose scotch
It’s ice cold though, Siberian summers appear hotter
Quite bulk like a Nigerian underwear bomma
Dope war, folklore, coke call, smoke ball
Morbid appetite so they torture past my folklore
Try to stab me with a knife? To be exact
Blindfully attack, try full to get whacked, rhyming is a factor
Any to order any rap, any war, any rap
Close the door on petty crap
Very happy thankful to my best of friends
How to cup ties with any of the very many snakes in the grass that left me for dead
Dumped in the river, swept in the ocean
Heavy emotion, stand firm though the end is approachin I’m open

The winner is…
Ill Bill… number one
Ladies and gentleman, a real round of applause
Yall appointed me to bring rap justice
I’ve waited a very long time
I dedicate this to you for believing in me
It’s truly fantastic
To show our appreciation for you

Lastly I’d like to thank all my influences
And various inspiration of the dividables that got me in the music business
I go fam first so I appreciate mine
Thanks to my fans, you my family, I take pride
In your support and every album you bought
Down for life, I love yall for never doubting your boy
Same when yall love LL Cool J and Kiss
One mainly wanna rock, the other mainly wanna spit
Regroup and maybe wanna flip em both at the same time
Slayin but Scarface inspired me write the same rhymes
That’s in the laws of Brooklyn, accepting my fake ID
Open for several to reveal when I was only 17
Thanks to playin in justice
Thanks to Ace London Studios for letting us rehearse when we ain’t have nothing
And shouts to all of yall that said I couldn’t do it
You gave me the fire to kick down the door and walk through it

The winner is…
Ill Bill… number one
I feel very grateful, very humble
No thanks to many many people
I’ve waited a very long time
I dedicate this to you for believing in me
What more could I say? I wouldn’t be here today if the old school didn’t pave the way
Ill Bill, rap crusader
Rap crusader
Ill Bill, rap crusader
Rap crusader
Ill Bill, rap crusader
Ill Bill, rap crusader

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