Ill Bill

Songtext Acid reflux Ill Bill


Acid reflux

(Hook x2)
Operate straight so takin contaminated acid
Why you be sellin your soul? We assassinate assassins
Am I hallucinating?
You see visions of death, possessed by armored science what I am obsessed

Makin future faction and drugs, the acid takes off the niggas
Who’s in now ‘cause lick the blood of Sharon, take off her fingers
Off the handle, takin hard corpse masturbation
Get my pack so I spark in the gold course assassination
Pistol whippin, kill the bridge, triple 6
Screaming hard, rolled like the beautiful bitch with the dick
Every society but seize the criminals who deserve
Subliminal with the words, and every vision was absurd
Dope, feel the storm dancers rain down chronic shoppers
The coke need to cure cancer, perfect now they powers
Goon druggy type dog, psychedelic paint job
Doom buggy drive-bys, heretics – they hate yall
Prints by the acid tongue, death by the bastard’s son
Empire standards, one hell fire canyon club
Pocket dark confessions occupy obsessions
We personify homicide through the essence

(Hook x2)
Operate straight so takin contaminated acid
Why you be sellin your soul? We assassinate assassins
Am I hallucinating?
You see visions of death, possessed by armored science what I am obsessed

Got the pigs written on the wall in blood passed the literal sick
This the ones begun, trippin in a call for numb, lifted tongue
Put this under me, horrid sons, shine 100 chiefs
War of dungeons of demons, 100 deep
Grimy zonin apartments and independent souls
I wipe off, can’t no private Jimi Hendrix shows
I’ve seen the symmetry of affinity clearly like Timothy Leary weary
Questioning every existing theory
Then we answer to the hallways of the all way
Crushed it like car waste, trippin like grateful dead court dates
I’ve seen satan and god raping your mom
Then they gone melted away, gloves and clamatian proms
Simulation, Play Station, X-Box the death doctrine
All to my angels to murder squeeze with tex Watson
This shepard sent all after Bethlehem
But the guard nephilim, sitting in the center of attention plan

(Hook x2)
Operate straight so takin contaminated acid
Why you be sellin your soul? We assassinate assassins
Am I hallucinating?
You see visions of death, possessed by armored science what I am obsessed

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