Ill Bill

Songtext Truth Ill Bill



Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two

(Verse 1)
Ayo, I've seen it all
From what the truth should be, to what the truth is
As we evolve form what we used to be onto some new shit
We write the blueprint, with true grit
Students of moving bricks and full clips
Or otherwise we just threw fists
Been breaking bad, ever since before I became a dad
Or made in in rap
And truth - I still cater to that
Root for the villain getting paid in full
Spraying the gat on the roof of my building
Getting brain, taking it back
I was a projects professor
A white kid not just five-percent of lessons
I got from the brothers selling incense
Extensively, studying Rakim and all the emcees
Eventually discovered I spit rather intensely
Now here I am, speaking to everybody that be listening
The hardcore hiphop with heart, like nitroglycerin
The type of rap you feel in your cardiac
The grimey, illmatical boom bap, mathematical goon rap

Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two

(Verse 2)
Ayo, I rise and laugh at the lies, analyzing the science of things
In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is the king
The path of the divine crashing to gunfire and brimstone
Adapt and survive, spilled blood dries when the wind blows
Look to the past, see the future staring back at you
Holdin' a gat, holdin' you back
And bearing ample fruit and opportunity
Get rid of fuckin feelings with unity
We stand tall,
What the fuck could you do with the assault literary
Slaughter cult military
Necronomicon Don
The cold visionary
Conspiracy hoes, behold secret mystery scrolls
Seen black, satanic lesbian, titties explode
Fuck livin' on your knees, I rather die on my feet
Rise in the street, fist fights with riot police
These lines are wrote potent like lines of coke
A kaleidoscope of the violent poem
That’s just me on the beat by Pete Rock 'n roll

Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two

(Verse 3)
The excellence and inspiration of truth, it's the pursuit
It's like an exercise of the mind,
Like a nine when it shoots
Testify with lies right beside a mountain of proof
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, many have died for the fruit
Organic and natural, harvested from off the vine
And verified undisputed factual and actual
The only sure thing in life is death shooters and bricks?
Coca pure, sniff white respect Lucifer's gift
Death is only the beginning, heads exploding and spinning
Like The Exorcist, possessing
Unholy and grinning
Tell 'em Welcome to hell, enter the ceremonial bringing
Where I'm from sharks fly and the vultures are swimming
The truth is gang raped while the world watches in horror
I could possibly tape a flick cares to watch it tomorrow hah
Shoot it like Columbine
Edit it and upload to YouTube it all live
For devilicks and cut throats

Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two
Check one-two, one-two

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