Ill Bill

Songtext Severed heads of state Ill Bill


Severed heads of state

Featuring El-P

(Verse 1: ILL BILL)
Let's play Dungeons and Dragons on mushrooms and acid
Like Ricky Kasso, smoke angel dust and kill these hippie assholes
Light the chemicals ablaze - Relevance appraised
Venomous exchange of terrorist acclaim - Inheritance of hate
Severed heads of state in a parade of chanting Satanists
Acts of heinousness are sprinkled on our plates like bacon bits
Swallow while you raise your fist in protest
Your true emotions camoflagued like God
It's convenient like
and we're all guilty as charged or just simply involved
Often brainwashed by quick money, loose women and cars
But maybe that's the way we're meant to be
Ignorant mutants for nukes
Trapped in a matrix ruled by shooters in suits
I think we're more than that, I'll quarterback
Time to clean our house and take our corner back
Put a message in the music - This is more than Rap
Or at the very least, it could be and it should be
So I gotta pay it forward cos I learned alot from Chuck D
and Henry Rollins - College was an empty promise for me
Music's influence was way more honest to me
Or maybe that's just my excuse
Because I dropped outta high school at 14 to pursue music
It was all a dream

(Verse 2: EL-P)
Live in a still from the worst movie ever's worst scene
Antagonists stand proudly in the stench of all their dirt sheen
Looks like God and them forgot to take their happy pills again, scream
Cos every sheisen eater from your nightmares getting top cream
Mud is the name you been given - Shit is for dinner
Your average beginner might wanna take a fetal position
I feel that, nothing's promised but static and dirty conscience
Or waking up like the dawn is the start of another problem that's real fact
Trust me the dustedest type of function's you having to sit there
Grumbling while dummies run the discussion
So I'm a master of the numb it down drown the voices choice
Every drug invented got attention from me, desperate to avoid the noise
and I never learned a fuckin thing except I don't know fuckin shit
All that I ever had was madness and the luck to get the chance to spit and I'll take that
Cos by my calculations that's as good as any day job
Thought I told you that I'm fucked, why you suprised I always stay hard

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