Ill Bill

Songtext Power Ill Bill



Featuring OC & Cormega
Prod by DJ Muggs

Yo, behind the scene Rasheen calling shots
We debate in front of have nots, lost souls from back blocks
Everybody in they heart feelin they all can rap
Thinkin it’s a way out the trap
School is lame, fell it, they gave nothing to gain
All they know is guns and cocaine
I can’t recall the moment, the time the suits despised rap saying it was noise and non-sense
Once it became a voice for the people
They saw dollar signs, artists got signed
Low level opinionated A in all
So officer had no clue what was going on
Fast forward, cash out the start of money
Skewer days, I really can’t call it
Evil seeds in place, all I’m seeing is a wasteland built off drugs, money and self-hate

(Hook x2)
I’ll tell you the difference between me and them
They tryna get they guams, I’m tryna get them fans
I wanna be free to live
Ain’t but a how what I need to live
Bring the power back to the streets where the people live

I might front but I won’t go backward
I’m every slave’s dream, I own my masters
I’m like most rappers, even if I don’t go platinum
I live like I did, that’s all that matters
They said I couldn’t do it, I did it
Independent with lyrics and don’t produce it for listeners
All the music no excuses,
Only a chosen few shall improve until we prove the coats influence result to the moguls’ influence
Revolution’s the only solution
Back to base and stop chases, illusions of vultures looming
Causing confusion, regain the focus you losin
The goal’s improving, the future of our culture ensured in the vocally gifted artists supposed to be winning
But those who be spinning a dick ride are more than the women
Causin division by ignoring the feelings of fans who know what is missing
Hip-hop in its purest existence

(Hook x2)
I’ll tell you the difference between me and them
They tryna get they guams, I’m tryna get them fans
I wanna be free to live
Ain’t but a how what I need to live
Bring the power back to the streets where the people live

Another record label snitch but fuck it
Used up upon love kid, no I’m not doing it big
Try to throw me under the bus will ruin the kid
It came back with full fronts and exclusive kicks
Stays up ahead, always adapt if all survive
Sharpen your eyes, in other words sharpen your mind
That’s your most valuable tool
Always stay alerted, wide open, alerted all times, actual truth
Make opportunities happen,
Well think of a fulltime student of rapping, you’re responsible for your actions
No complaints, you ain’t got no time for that
‘Cause time’s money and you bring the red 9 to black
Get it what you’re feeling is more power impacts
Pop em before they pop us in the showering cast
From corporate pack lies to crack spots
I gots the chop shops way before you popped out your mom’s box

(Hook x2)
I’ll tell you the difference between me and them
They tryna get they guams, I’m tryna get them fans
I wanna be free to live
Ain’t but a how what I need to live
Bring the power back to the streets where the people live

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