Ill Bill

Songtext Vio-lence Ill Bill



Featuring Shabazz The Disciple & Lil Fame of MOP
Prod by DJ Skizz

What up Skizz?

I'm from where the murderers ride
If you heard that I died you probably visioned me shut up and layin on the stretcher
'Cause I ain't the nigga that die from high blood pressure,
My demise in the midst of a crime go fresher
Look at his eyes he's ready to die, Lord bless him
It is what it’s gonna be, ain't ones that worry me,
Can’t care whether is 20 of us or one of me
Good ones ride with us, nigga still get yeah,
Pistol whip go whole monitors, you know what time it is
Low nigga run up, squeeze a couple shots in your shirt
Touch your best out to see if it work (gun gun)
My niggas get drunk, get high on 8
Put you out for about 20 minutes break then we rotate
Straight put the beef on em, no brakes
Since way back in the days, nigga name her way
And we still active, still mashin
Still inspiring, still shining, still firing

(Hook x2)
Violence, is the universal language,
Nah nigga you done pick the wrong nigga to bang with,
(Brang bang) or we murder ya,
(BK) you niggas get down and dirty as we bang
You give em the whole thing

I'm from where the murderers ride
If you heard that I died, you probably pictured a model bursting out over night
It's bad to me when it pop, jerk me out of my prime
My family be mad of God, cursing out of the sky,
If violence be gets violence and death rules everything around me
Dreams are really nightmares, in King’s County,
You even know my daughter was born
Yes Lord the war going on here
You get your fucking wig blown off here
Let's put the mirror to the violence, an electrify spirit
That defines vision, every ride's military silence,
Stigmatary silence, ambassadors are assassinated
From the port move to the block, assassinations are created,
Murders are premeditated and orchestrated by symphony conducting a sort of a sawed off with spraying
The rhythm of the gun shots is like a song is playing,
Speaking in the same tongue to God like they talk to saying

(Hook x2)
Violence, is the universal language,
Nah nigga you done pick the wrong nigga to bang with,
(Brang bang) or we murder ya,
(BK) you niggas get down and dirty as we bang
You give em the whole thing

I'm from where the murderers ride
If you heard that I died
You’d probably picture me sunk over the wheel and my ride
Drugs planted in the trunk, we aint accused of a crime
Orchestrated by coentele pool to FBI
Rings all on the dashboard, cruise my spirits to fly
When they see scalp a ride filled with formaldehyde
Police the modern they moment, stolen profits from 9’s
Like the prophets in black, leaders were what they prophesized
Wrong Christ crucified, two G’s on my side
My peda’s heater a sly, cause my Judas demise
I pray I look my angel of death right in his eyes
You coming with me motherfucker, finish this beef in the sky
These last earth memories, the site was frightening
Hear thunder when the hood cracks, strike the lightning
Ain’t no fuckin hail Mary’s, is hella slobs
Bring that on yo best bet, Sammy pull the plug

(Hook x2)
Violence, is the universal language,
Nah nigga you done pick the wrong nigga to bang with,
(Brang bang) or we murder ya,
(BK) you niggas get down and dirty as we bang
You give em the whole thing

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