Micall Parknsun

Songtext The monster under the bed Micall Parknsun


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The monster under the bed

True story

One in the hole, 15 in the clip
Under the bed dust, where do live, the monster
I was scared of the shit, I was shook
I ain’t scared to admit, this is me before I had any kids
A dumb prick who was selling the sniff
A skinny kid who thought he was big
Literally man thought he was big
Maybe I was just too into it
18, just doin this thing
The same thing will have me equipped
Save me when the flashin escape, quit stashin our gate
In the palm of my fist you will seize to exist
The bang after the click, you will surely be missed
Through your heart you’ll be here, we’ll be lucky to live
From the sky to the pit, it’s all choice you can pick
Pick between heaven and hell
I’d rather swallow my pride than be dead or in jail

So when the beef was beek you were under my bed
Yea, you were under my bed
When I went for my stash you were under my bed
Yea, under my bed
If you try to test me, I went under my bed
Yea, under my bed
But I’m glad I left the monster under my bed
Yea, under my bed

The only reason you are here is just to protect
It ain’t love, it is fear what got you respect
To trigger a death, one pop and you’re dead
Though hittin your spine with no use in your legs
You were designed for gangs making a pledge
Seek and you find with mans packing the stens
It wasn’t mine, I held it for a friend
So he’s doing time like for the rest of his life
All for the pride or for someone running the leaps
And it was a knife but mine’s bigger than this
Been known to survive, then get rid of this shit
‘Cause it wasn’t right, doing this criminal shit
But I’mma provide, ‘cause I’mma soon have a kid
Man I wouldn’t lie ‘cause I was too good with it
But it ain’t a crime if you ain’t caught with the shit
But someone will die if I feel a drawing toward it

So when the beef was beek you were under my bed
Yea, you were under my bed
When I went for my stash you were under my bed
Yea, under my bed
If you try to test me, I went under my bed
Yea, under my bed
But I’m glad I left the monster under my bed
Yea, under my bed

Yo I can’t keep you see, you gotta leave
And I gotta be true ‘cause I got a seed
And I got a E2, shall I cock it and squeeze?
There gotta be another way for me earning peas
Look I ain’t jigga man but my doubt is reasonable
Would’ve skang you to cash this visable?
It’s achievable, unbelievable
I don’t need a gun to fun defeat ma you
Yea, the time has come for truce
Don’t hate, ‘cause I didn’t decide to shoot
Thank God thy aim and right and you
In fact my lord I am taking life from you
Hah, it’s survival dude
To the youth it’s the one survival tool
Better move ‘cause I ain’t reminding you
You could die for your pride of valuables

The beef was beek you were under my bed
Yea, you were under my bed
When I went for my stash you were under my bed
Yea, under my bed
If you try to test me, I went under my bed
Yea, under my bed
But I’m glad I left the monster under my bed
Yea, under my bed...

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Micall Parknsun is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Interview Mixtape.

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