Micall Parknsun

Songtext My own worst enemy Micall Parknsun


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My own worst enemy

My own worst enemy
I’m my own worst enemy
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy

See I do what I got man, ‘cause I smoke weed I’mma shoot, I’m a sharp man
Yea, so I steam ‘cause I got a plan
It ain’t all what it seems in this promise land
See, I’m tryna be a better man
But I’m fuckin up just tryna make you better man
See it’s hard ‘cause I am a dad
So I rap, you don’t know, you don’t understand
I’m tryna think for the future
But the now got me fuck, feelin useless
But I’m proud that I fucked with this music
It’s all for the love and I’m stuck to the movement
I’m getting too old for this new shit
I got a fam and I don’t wanna lose em
All that I am is a man tryna do this
I’m tryna teach when I’m really the student

I ain’t got no cash ‘cause I’m over drawn
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I should’ve paid the rent but I bought the draw
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I should be on tour but I’m stuck indoors
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I say that I’m a man but I’m immature
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy

Somehow I’m still tryna find the energy
This is it, should I quit? Should I let it be?
Billa spliff, I’ll admit that I am a fiend
‘Cause when in this, very hard to read anything
But in my element I’m heavy like a elephant
On the road doing shows, never settling
On the phone, to the kids when I’m missin em
I said to her but you know I ain’t listening
I do give a shit, I know I hold back
I took a chance, broke your heart like a dumb pratt
You say I’m calm but I’mma start tryna fix that
And I’m a soldier to storm like a big man
I’mma face facts, I know I fucked up
I know I can’t stop your pain just with one hug
I know it won’t be the same but I showed up
And put the pen to the page and I own that

I ain’t got no cash ‘cause I’m over drawn
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I should’ve paid the rent but I bought the draw
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I should be on tour but I’m stuck indoors
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I say that I’m a man but I’m immature
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy

I guess my life is more than I bargained for
But I’m stressed from the bills which I can’t ignore
I’m a waste, I escape so I bought a drawer
Every day mine is back to the golden board
I’m ashamed of the fact that I am the cause
Of what they’ll kak, I’ll attract when I do preform
And perhaps it’s the fact that I’m getting bored
From all the raps which I spat, which I did before

I ain’t got no cash ‘cause I’m over drawn
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I should’ve paid the rent but I bought the draw
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I should be on tour but I’m stuck indoors
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I say that I’m a man but I’m immature
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy

Sorry man, it’s my fault
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
I’m to blame, can’t blame no one or myself
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy
But at least I can do that
Not lie anymore
Feels like I’m my own worst enemy

To everyone
First of all, most sorry to myself

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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Micall Parknsun is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Interview Mixtape.

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