Micall Parknsun

Songtext Money in the bag Micall Parknsun


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Money in the bag

Featuring Dubbledge & Ramson Badbonez

Put the cash in the duffle bag
Got sown off, you don’t want none of that
Empty the safe, I am here for a couple gram
Please don’t be brave, you could die, do you understand?
You free the cash receipt, the bang you heard
You never land like Peter Pan for real
Could David Cameron got brushed from bills
It’s why your man your man and here to steal
So give me the paper, I’ll show you the flame up
I’m holding the place up, I’ll show you your maker
Open your face up so no one can save ya
I show’d you the laser, hand over the payment
Like all of the guap, you touched it you’re long bruff, you’re getting popped
You better stay calm, no calling the cops
With a gun in yo face, I’m calling the shots

Give me the cash dough, grab it and run
See man this glass broke so give me the fun, you heard?
So put the money in the bag
Don’t let my man, let the middle of the mackin
No, don’t call anyone
You’ll get your nose broke from the butt of the gun, you heard?
So put the money in the bag
Get to the car, put your foot on the gas

Take the bag bitch, fill it
Tell you what, time’s livin
In and out three linets and your head rolled here
I let sling get it, I let Superman get it
Even Supergirl get it, get it crystal clear
Along, better disregard it
Get your face on the carpet
Everybody breathing’s a moving target
In the A wealth life is horrid,
Salaries are weak, the bank can’t afford it
CCTV, man record it
Got the Hollywood link up, face made up
Ski masks through the glasses, two guns up
Free shirt in the jumper
Poking me up and the sweat pants over the jeans
Changing the locks and the guards just to get away clean
Getaway car, start using a magnet
To set north, so GPS can’t track in it

Give me the cash dough, grab it and run
See man this glass broke so give me the fun, you heard?
So put the money in the bag
Don’t let my man, let the middle of the mackin
No, don’t call anyone
You’ll get your nose broke from the butt of the gun, you heard?
So put the money in the bag
Get to the car, put your foot on the gas

Put the money in the bag, tell your younger brother
Don’t think I’ll move an inch and call down the live rounds
Blast your money through the back, where the fuck’s the stash
Common peacock before leak up
‘Cause either way little fucker you’ve been hot
You hear the trigger as it squeezes, the barrel as it screeches
After we been blammin out your beef
With the back end of the mack hand
Jackin your crack then, aim the big block
Counting out receipts, forget running to the feds when confronted by hot led
You’ll regret it when the gun’s up in your neck
Bust your fuckin head with buck of the tech 9
I’m out to get my money
And nobody after that,
Make the right decision, don’t gamble with your life if he puts a knife
Tell me what’s the value or the price
I want them diamonds and cash, so hurry up and put the money in the bag

Give me the cash dough, grab it and run
See man this glass broke so give me the fun, you heard?
So put the money in the bag
Don’t let my man, let the middle of the mackin
No, don’t call anyone
You’ll get your nose broke from the butt of the gun, you heard?
So put the money in the bag
Get to the car, put your foot on the gas

Oh I had a motherfuckin dream man
What the fuck was the dream about G?
I dreamed that I was hard

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Micall Parknsun is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Interview Mixtape.

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