Micall Parknsun

Songtext Living to die Micall Parknsun


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Living to die

Featuring Lashana Lynch

I’mma make ya pay now man
Then I guess it’s time now fam
What I gotta say I ain’t getting paid
‘Cause I’ll never play my man
I ain’t really big like that
Why I’ve gotta tweek about that
I am really sorry with that
So I guess I better face these facts
Make ‘cause I’m keen to all doin shows,
Getting flows, blazing drow
I don’t know where to go, it’s a joke
I’mma go back to the dreams
Fuck going back to the streets
Fuck knows how it happens for me
That’s just how it happens to be
I’m a man with two kids now
Remember when I just had one
It was at a time when I used to rhyme and it just felt like fun
That’s it, maybe I’m done
This rap shit’s taking too long
The fact is I’m established and I’m brassic with no one
This is my last roll of the dice
Holding the mic, holding it right
Now it’s roomed tuned in my wise I wanna be home holding my wife
Raising my kids, days in the piff
Owning a crib, making it fit
My own throne, do we need a king?
I home grown all this within

About time to face time
I already tried it like this
I already seen that
My eyes, I’m throwin the new dice
I ride waves to new shores
But too much water to ignore
Like pythons I make it by
Everybody up all night
Everybody’s got their own kind
We don’t know jahry
‘Cause the hustle feels like a long time
Feels like I’m just living to die

I’m just tryna right my wrongs
That’s why I written this song
I know I fucked up, it was tough luck
Nobody’s perfect blood
I’m still here stuck in the mud
Stuck in the raw, brank with the job
Fans be showing me love
But they love ain’t nearly enough
Lean in the club, each wanna fuck
On stage, they think I’m a star
I ain’t written no bars in a while
How long did you think it would last?
My past, got my fork in the low
I don’t think I can walk it alone
I don’t know if I’m holding my own
I ain’t got no shows of my own
I’ve gotta stop pride and believe
There’s a very big price to be paid
Fuck what you think, I ain’t a quit
So I’mma stay and hide in the way
Damn what, what can I say?
I know you heard it ill before
The dude with the zoo rings
And as you say nothing new I’m bored
The outside fuckin in this
The same as the inside lookin out
In the world I’ve seen everyone
But then I ain’t really been selling now
What the fuck was that going about?
I can’t keep what you’re coming out
I’m taking too long, every new song sounding like one I did before
Man I need a fuckin miracle
Many men be sending me beats
Telling me I’m long in-betweens
It’s not like they paying me peas
I don’t really do make believe
I ain’t really been chuttin breeze
This time I want to achieve
Now I found a way to succeed

About time to face time
I already tried it like this
I already seen that
My eyes, I’m throwin the new dice
I ride waves to new shores
But too much water to ignore
Like pythons I make it by
Everybody up all night
Everybody’s got their own kind
We don’t know jahry
‘Cause the hustle feels like a long time
Feels like I’m just living to die

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Micall Parknsun is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Interview Mixtape.

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