Micall Parknsun

Songtext Me Micall Parknsun


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I guess I’m at it again
Back with M key, back with a bang
Needin some paper strapped with a pen
Lean off the vapor, blazin the ping
Taking it in, save some for later
‘Cause I am major, I’m hittin again
I’m about to begin, out for the paper
Placin a wager and taking your bling
Fuck what you think, I’mma do my own beat
So when it comes to the track, man it’s all me
Back from the dead so they call me a zombie
Out for the bread ‘cause the food got me hungry
I hang with the apes, I don’t fuck with these monkeys
I plan to escape to a place where the drums beat
Hot ‘cause I got heat
I ain’t talkin bout a gun but I’m fire with the tongue on a hot beat
You are not me
You ain’t stood in my shoes, you ain’t raised on my huge, you are not paid
Better stop please,
Don’t hate on a dude ‘cause I’m blazin a zoo and I got weed
I’mma proceed, I’mma give it to you raw
Know that I’m givin you my all
Holdin the rhythm when I talk
Chose in the venom while I written what I’m spittin for the cause

I’m more real, it’s true
Got wheels, got beaut
I’m me, not you
Like I’m just me
More real than truth
More ill, it’s true
Ain’t nothing new
Found I’m just me me me me me
Me me me me me me me me me
I’m just me

I guess I’m more me than I am you
With more beat, short beef, I might yam you
With technique, Jet Ly type kung fu
I breathe on beats set pun you
I’m meat like food, you’re tofu
I’m me, you’re you, wuchu you wanna do?
The ship’s so new, man I’m back so soon
You got no clue, damn this shit’s so true
It’s raw vocal between the high and the kick
And the snare and the rap
I’m prepared, see the track
I’mma tear on the spot
I’m aware I’m a man, it’s a fact that I’m back for the year
My time will appear, I’m back like the rear
My bad, I’m slack, no samples are cleared
I guess it’s my choice of career
With a flow so severe so I’m taking a share
Yea, I’m the one that turned
I do smoke zuits with the herb that burned
I spit that truth but the man don’t learn
In the booth I’m proof that I can stand firm
I guess it’s back to the beats
With the pad and the pen, with the shit on repeat
I’m a man, I’m a dan, and I won’t see defeat
Now I’m back with a bang, tell your troops to retreat

I’m more real, it’s true
Got wheels, got beaut
I’m me, not you
Like I’m just me
More real than truth
More ill, it’s true
Ain’t nothing new
Found I’m just me me me me me
Me me me me me me me me me
I’m just me

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Micall Parknsun is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Interview Mixtape.

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