Micall Parknsun

Songtext Return of the blaow! Micall Parknsun


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Return of the blaow!


I make the beats up high
I bring em with me high
I’m crushin with er
I’m spittin with er
I make the beat talk
I’m back with er
I’m bangin with er
The pie nutter, the pie nutter

I meant this morning uh, fuck the fake façade
I’m real just like your mom, blunt
See now the verses come to kill the tune
It’s time to make the speakers start pourin
I’m bumpin and meant to be, nobody’s real as me
Remember the family flow
See look I got kids to feed, now my wife’s pissed at me
Because of the shows I ain’t home
I’m spittin the rawest rap, giving you all the dat
I never fall for that shit, nah
So many a try and kak, ain’t got the balls for that
I think that their man in catch links
You can do what you wanna do, still I’mma follow through
That is my attitude bro
See I’mma make a move, this is the flow accused
That’s why I’m showing you slow with the

Look, I’m bangin with er
I’m crushin with er
I’m spittin with er
I make the beat talk
I’m back with er
I’m bangin with er
The pie nutter, the pie nutter

I make this more than rap, made a heat but tracks
Came and brought it back yea
I made it more than fact, day you word about
Please the crowd and drink beer
I broke my pen to page, shook the sentency
Here to pave the way through
This time I’m here to stay
Came with more to say, hey I mean to fit you
This is more than raw, it’s north the wall, you can’t ignore
This is real in its purest form man
This is back to the beach, fuck it
Going back to the streets, still tryin to eat
I’m tryin to reach the close danger, whip the flows
Paper is the goal yo
I’m trying to get ahold of one
To own a home but, em brass is so broke
I had to come with it, far from done with it
I want my publishing now
So fuck the struggling, now I’m hustling
Tryin to make my kids proud
I be delirical, every syllable’s an unpredictable vow
So fuck the fictional, a real respectitude
If I’m known to show you my style with er

I’m bangin with er
I’m crushin with er
I’m spittin with er
I make the beat talk
I’m back with er
I’m bangin with er
The pie nutter, the pie nutter

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Micall Parknsun is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Interview Mixtape.

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