
Songtext The fan Epmd


The fan

[erick sermon]
Yeah yeah, uh-huh, word up
Yo, yo-yo.. yo

Aiyyo this heres procedure, rock mcs durin my leisure
Time I spend to do em in
The sound pumps hard, and runs right through ya
When it hits, it reacts like a airbag to ya
Some flip to it, small kids might skip to it
And jail cats get rep to it
You get, by on record but you wack on stage
So im, blowin you up, throwin hand grenades

[parrish smith]
Thats why we roll with the big boys
With big toys, bringin crazy noise and ruckus
Shuttin down crews and motherfuckers
In low beta, not to be fucked with like the swamp gator
Potato, on the barrel of the snub nosed when I blaze ya
As i, dust bust, crush and rush
Catch you flossin nigga, turn your ice physi into slush
So yo, whats the deally for really
We rock nine untilly, grindin like billy
So niggaz chill and spark the phillie

Chorus: parrish smith (repeat 2x)

Yo, I know you was a fan of mine
I know you was a fan of mine
I know you was a fan of mine
Heres my card and on the back of its my fan club digits

[erick sermon]
Uh, aiyyo takin our spot, thats outrageous
P and I stomp those who get courageous
And microphones get rocked on stages
Any book or mag, we on a few pages
Not commercial, not frontin, and no movie
I swear, cause we take it there
Billboards top ten, thats tradition
Comin through blastin with mad ammunition

[parrish smith]
Five-alarmer, microphone bomber, woman charmer
Night in armor, penthouse view, with the sauna
God damnit, pass me the rock, and watch me slam it
Jam it cram it, until you stupid niggaz understand it
Its been a long time, mc crabbin bitch niggaz runnin
Wack mcs we straight stunnin
When we roll up, unexpected, undetected
Resurrected, epmd second wind, fuel-injected


[erick sermon]
Word yeah, tell em p, yo
I never seen yall before, when I came through
With my dogs headbangin with the - hit squad crew
Hardcore, we got biz from the get go
Any beef with us, we aint lettin shit go
E-dub, no one replacin me
If theres a spot, then find a vacancy
Boy, I own my style, while yall got leases
I get the whole pie, while yall get pieces

[parrish smith]
Thats why we own, bitin our shit, we dont condone
News flash, erick and parrish, we got it sewn
And like Im damon we dash for the cash, mash for the fash
Bashin the rash, double up p, straight on smidash
So stop playin, serious like _so what cha sayin? _
In apollo sold out with redman, fuckin headbangin
To the street corners, the back alleys, to the cali valleys
Epmd in effect, chillin as the scans tally

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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