
Songtext Rap is still outta control Epmd


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Rap is still outta control

[busta rhymes]
Rap is outta control!
Hey, hey rap, rap.. (for sure dude) wait what, wait
Aiy, rap is outta control
Hold on!

[b.r.] yeah yeah yeah yeah, yi-yeah yeah yeah yi-yeah yeah
[p.s.] erick and parrish, busta bus, check it
[b.r.] this is one of my favorites
[p.s.] aight? so check it, check it
[b.r.] yeah
[p.s.] outta control
[e.s.] freal, rap is outta control, like that (for sure dude!)
[p.s.] pmd, still makin dollars
[e.s.] uh-huh, raps outta control (for sure dude!)
[both] yo, yo..

[erick sermon]
I be pulsatin dominatin, up above
Run-d.m.c. style, stop and show love
E-dub, I cant fall off, its no way, Im down low
I stay in the cut with o.j.
The fact is, some things got to change
With eight or more rappers that sound the same
With the, same game, like they all in the same gang
And claim the same fame
Suicide victims, quick to jump off and scream i
Have to die, Im livin a lie
Fake mcs no heart, get torn apart
Messin with us? in ninety-nine, get smart
I be the last one you wanna play with
Rap committees call me, just to okay shit
Focus on me, I grab the mic and drop gems
On a ill rhyme, more flashier than rims
Step in in tan timbs, a pocket full of ends with a
Couple of friends and a couple of hens
Never boring, keep shit rocking til morning
With the bird, until the hawks start hawking
Bounce with me, me and my man keep things hittin
Hop in the benz 2000 benz with the cd skippin
Epmd, whos fuckin with it
Outta control like 2pac in _juice_, character bishop
Whos inferior? my squad be def
And we aint hearin ya, lounge in the black interior

[busta rhymes]
Hah! yes.. ha, rap is outta control!
Ha, hey hey rap is outta control! (for sure dude)
Yo, aiy, rap is outta control! (for sure dude)
Aiyyo, ey, rap is outta control!

[parrish smith]
Yo, they took our music and our beat and tried to make it street
Then got in the magazine and tried to sound all sweet
When it came to epmd no one said a word
So I called up erick sermon and said, this shits absurd!
Now we flip the bird, back-breakin mcs down like herbs
Redlinin, bendin my chrome rims up on curbs
So can you make a bill and chill and survive in the rap field?
Flip deals, and cock back burners when the caps peel?
I dont think so, then come next the car repo
No mo contract, just strictly handyman in home depot
So dont front for me or the e, cause you know our steez
Epmd, blazin shit, def 2gs
Cause we make tape and break mcs who wannabeez
And gonna-beez, burn em down to third degrees
You heard of me, aint no one checkin or servin me
Ill turn your 411 into the 911 emergency
Surgeon see

[busta rhymes]
Hah.. hah, rap is outta control!
Hey, hey rap, rap .. wait, what wait (for sure dude)
Hey, rap is outta control! hold on
Wait wait, rap rap is outta control!

And yes yes yall (yes yall) ay, yes yall (yes yall)
Aiyyo kick it e!

[erick sermon]
I stand tall I wont fall, I recall
Ha hah, your rhymes stall when you bust caps
Make sure they krytonite caps
Im made of steel, I swat bullets like gnats
Im like, (*singing*) superman... fly high...
.. way up in the sky ..
And if you try to shoot me down clown I wont die
I cremate

[parrish smith]
I hate, lets exterminate
Wait for a second e, time to debate
As we take our fisherman hat off, theres no time to max
On the crab mc, whos all on the bozack
Who knows that, 2000 benz to shows that
Yo, sold out crowd, wheres the hoes at?
And the old gold black, icy cold fat
Wack mcs yo, wheres your clothes at?
End the drama, thats word to your momma..

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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