
Songtext Rampage Epmd


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Slow down baby uhh
Slow down baby uhh

You can get rugged, though, hard like p
Trying to play my man but you couldnt touch me
You faggot to comp rapper on a quest
You get your head flown, boy you must be smokin sens
So many often wonder if mds paid
Youre goddamn right, punk, stay outta my way
cause I clock gs while you clock zs
And I dont smoke crack, I smoke m.c.s
So pick up a pen, cop a squat, and take notes
A rapper suffred from bleeding, sprains and slit throats
My style deadly psychopath or schizophrenic
Rapper choke like a curburetor, freeze up, and panic
cause I clock pesos, dont sell ileyo
Another name for cocaine, mi amigo
Thats spanish terminology for friend
Now sit back and rub my bozack as I send
Bass funk with beats that thump
Kickers and amps cold lined up in my trunk
My system cranking, my headlights are blinkin
Brother ridin my tip, l, at the same time thinkin
Damn, how could a brother be so nice
cause Im the capital e-p twice m-d-e twice
I choose to squeeze, some choose to fight
I like to write but then again some bite
While you were bangin on tables, I was bangin snow white

Yeah slow down baby

The ripper, the master, the overlordian
Playing m.c.s like a old accordion
I get the inspiration from a necessary station
Them sayin I was vacationin
You cant cope with your weak-ass throat
Tryin a sneak a peak in while I freak the notes
Major m.c.s become minor b flats
So retire the mike, get your chains and your bats
Heres your chance to advance, gettin your stance
Im a shoot the holster off your cowboy pants
Pure entertainment, tonights your arraignment
Youre quilty, face down on the pavement
No holds barred, its time to get scarred
You and your squad better praise the real god
The undertaker droppin thunder on fakers
When it comes to Im as freaky as seka
So lay the mike down slow and careful
cause mine is fully loaded and I have another handful
A clip to slip in and start rippin
Divin and dippin and givin punks a whippin
Just in case you wanna go a few rounds and so
Im down so that you clowns will know
Me gettin burnt or hurt wont be tolerated
I got rhymes up the (huh) forget it, Im constipated

Yeah slow down baby

When I come around homeboy, watch your nugget
I master on the beat down, my styles rugged
When I attack the microphone, close the zone
Rap sees danger, cant roam
Security is packed and wall to wall cant fall
A rap tank is full so I cant stall
My microphone is filled with premium
Any whack m.c. that flexes, Im creamin em
Not with lotion, bust the motion, flotation
When Im rockin the mike Im like coastin
Underneath fatigue at my peak
You still seek the style cause yours is extra weak
New method, rip the stage at my age and get loose and kick
Like bruce in a rage-Im on a rampage

Yeah slow down baby
Slow down baby

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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