
Songtext The big payback Epmd


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The big payback

[p] aiyyo whassup e double?
[e] yo whassup man?
[p] yo these crab mcs got us trapped up behind these walls man
But Im ready to break out of here and do this, yaknahmsayin?
So whats the magic word?

[erick sermon]
Open sesame, and let down the main gate
Before you screamed epmd, you shouldnt wait
I roll with a posse, hey you tried to stop me
Also yo, your brothers tried to pop me
On the sneak tip, without me knowin
So I keep goin, and my rhymes keep flowin
On and on, and I dont quit
I get pushed to the limit, and yo thats it
Step by step, I put an end to your fun
Cause Im the chosen one, yes me my son
A young kid from the ghetto, a kiddie from the city
I dont feel sorrow, and I have no pity
To run up on you, and wax plus tax
Your gold, your money, and from your eyes your contacts
Then flex over, a hop skip and a jump
To the next town, to go punk a chump
Mcs try to diss me, and try to bust caps
Im not havin it, and that means no haps jack
So get the bozack, only off the crack, thats wack
This is the big payback


[parrish smith]
As I go and flow, to a different type of tempo
(why md? ) cmon e, the p keeps it simple
Plus Im strikin like lightnin, throwin blows like tyson
Slayin mcs on the q-t, sorta like a sniper
So if a sucker dont like me, the feeling is mutual
I took my rhyme to a lower rpm, then shift to neutral
Then crack a 40 (what kind) of olde e
To slay an mc (how) on the q-t
(so whats your name boy? ) cmon, you know its m.d.
So while Im wreckin hes checkin, all the bodies thats left and
A pile behind the stage, the p is like steppin
Off from the scenes, I see lights and si-rens
Witness everywhere, but no one seen a thing
When cops ask questions, my description is vague
No answers at all, just bodies behind the stage
One witness yells out, that he was dressed in black
Stupid dookie link, with a fisherman hat
A cop said, yo, howd he flee from the spot?
In a black sports car, I think it was an iroc
But the windows were tinted, and we couldnt get a look
(why? ) there was smoke from the rubber he cooked
The big payback


[erick sermon]
No rome-et-oh, or juliette romance story
Just epmd, the fame and the glory
The rappin technique, somethin like fencin, dangerous
It keeps you in suspense
And you have to be cool, and plus have stamina
Cause if you dont, Im gonna end up stabbin ya
In your guts, from the razor cuts
And ima stick and pick, until your mind goes nuts
It might sound gross, or make your stomach bubble
But dont never ever ever, mess with e double
Im like jumpin jack flash, a spy with an eye
I do no stunts, and Im not the fall guy
Im just the e, the r-i-c-k, thats all
Did some check one-twos, and some yes yes yalls
Im the man of the hour, sweet to be sour
(so what you sayin e? ) I got soul power!
So dig it, as I kick it, keep your eyes open
Cause a brother like me, is always scopin
In fact, you should pack, because I cut no slack
Its like that.. this is the big payback


[parrish smith]
If rappin was a tribe Id be the chief commanche
Had fat link, chunky rings, nuttin fancy
So saddle up mcs, and off we go
Its not a rodeo, but I carry a lasso
Cause Im back from vacation, cause suckers kept slippin
Rappin off-beat, plus your tunes wasnt hittin
They wanna claim a style on the m-i-c
But I can rotate the state, cold rippin shows with e
Cause whether maxin or relaxin, waxin or taxin
Never step to a show without packin
My partners, mr. smith and mr. wessun
So nothin moves funny, at the rappin session
Im strictly biz and knuckles, no time for laugh or chuckles
I drop clear , while your bass sound muffled
(you sniff blow? ) hell no, and still flow and say go
More or less do a show.. nah
The only high I get, is when my fans yell hoe
So get the bo-zack, because were back to hack
Here to let you know that its the big payback


Yeah thats right man, big payback in eighty-nine, yaknahmsayin?
Epmds in effect on the unfinished business tip
? and tony, snappin necks

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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