
Songtext Who's booty Epmd


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Who's booty

[erick sermon]
Yo, at a hip-hop club was a girl I met
She was hot you can bet, her body dripped with sweat
I kicked it to her, and her name was kim
She said lets jet because she was ready for the jim
Browski I doubt thee e would front
So like a real stunt, I rolled the blunt
She was ready, I could see in her face
She said lets jet we went back to her place
It was fat, she had a dope crib
She offered food, like some barbucue ribs
I said no thank you not now honey
How about some drink, yes some gin rummy
After that, come here and sit down
We put on tender roni by mister bobbi brown
We waste no time, it was time to do it
Put on some james brown so we can get into it
No kinky stuff, like ropes or handcuffs
But when you love me please dont be ruff
I said listen, Ill be gentle, Ill be very gentle
When Im loving yoooouuu, when Im loving yoooouuu.
...so I dipped, I abandoned ship
Threw in the anchor like on the boat tip
Thats what I get for trying to be a lover
But never judge a book, by the damm cover
Im not dissing, but I dont like fishing
And next time, I want to know who Im kissing
You can call me gay or a tutti-frutti
But I wont touch it until I know whos booty

[parrish smith]
Well I was maxin one day just minding my own
Talking to e-double on my car cellular phone
When I seen this fly girl clocking her looks were temptating
The look in her eye was the look of infatuation
So I put my car in park, turned my system down
I said excuse me, are you new in town
She said its funny you asked I just got here today
I said yo, you need a lift because Im going that way
She said my mother always told me not to ride with strangers
If I did, than my life would be in danger
I said yeah thats true, but Im not youre everyday swinger
To tell you the truth, Im a well known singer
Plus I was cold coolin
40 dawn in lap
Wings on my fingers from my fisherman hat.
She got in and said yo I never done this before
I had to play my cards right to get my foot in the door.
She got and she said you a medical doctor?
I said close but no cigar, Im the microphone doctor
Who performs open surgery, on mcs that are willing
Except to try same them, I try to kill them
She said ooh that sounds exciting, please tell me more
You mean how we heinz and clock the gs or more.
We got to her house and her moms wasnt home
As we went to the room I sparked up the homegrown
I was with it, felling nice from old e
Ready to get busy, and wax a cold booty.
We got to her it was time to max
Pulled out the jimhat and strapped the bozak
I hit the lights, and next was the sack
We started doing it, it was hard to produce
Because the booty was cold kickin like they call me bruce
I had to cover my nose, not to ruin the mood
Because I know I wasnt fishing but I smelled seafood
Smelled like shrimp or lobster, or tuna of the sea
And it wasnt worth catching the a-the i-the d-to the s-oh yes
The s is for safe sex
And as I glanced at the door, you that move was next
But she pulled me close, and said lets get loose
And out of nowhere I yelled baby did you do...
She said no p, cause Im not a swinger
I couldnt buy that as I smelled my forefinger
I was playing myself plus my style was crampped
I grabbed my keys and coat, and md broke camp
And as I walked to the door, the girl got moody
I looked her eye to eye and said.. whos booty

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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