
Songtext Strictly snappin' necks Epmd


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Strictly snappin' necks

[parrish smith]
Just when you thought it was safe to make records
The rap duo is back, its time to start wreckin
E double swingin high *scratch* Im swingin low
Washin wannabees down, with some h20
As I go blow to blow, toe to toe, flow for flow
(any has pmd? ) hell no!
Im blowin rappers off course, like the s.s. minnow
Thats not your rhyme sonny, so please let go my eggo

I hear voices sayin thats erick sermon

[erick sermon]
Straight up, right now, Im on a mission
Front face the center and face your competition
As I rock, you jock, and in shock
And have fear -- when the e is on the spot
(you pulled the mic handle: joker, joker, joker)
Yeah boy, you hit the jackpot
So chill as I flex my skill and rap talent
Smooth hardcore, no time for love ballads
Im not kickin the slow jams thats cool
But nah the hardcore, that make the brothers act fool
Thats the way I would want stuff lookin
The crowd yellin, and buckwhylin like brooklyn boy

Epmd is in town
[pmd] no words at all boy
Strictly snappin necks!
Epmd is in town
[pmd] no words at all boy
Strictly snappin necks!

[parrish smith]
Welcome... and all aboard
Crab tried to diss, now its time to score
People, tripped and flipped, when we splurged our gift
To get paid off what we made, and also uplift
A new way to sway, or should I say flow
To keep the ladies screamin ow, the brothers yellin hoe
Now hold the o, and give me an intro
A kick and a snare, now the green light to go
I flex a rhyme on a rapper then proceed to wreck
By break this mic in half, then put him in the yolk and snap his neck
When five-oh roll, they say whats the m.o.
Another rapper was hit, by mister slow flow
Cause on my second return, I had to come correct
Takin nuttin but bodies, on the unfinished business tip
I make the music, that makes a posse ill
In they jeeps or playin ball, or ready to chill
Or maybe at the spot where you hang where its hot
Drinkin quarts of old gold, in the parkin lot
But mainly at a concert where the place is packed
Brothers yellin hoe, girlies on the bozack
The system boomin, smoke everywhere
People swayin side to side with they hands in the air
A posse digs the music so they want to roll
So they troop through the venue, scopin everyones gold
But whether you in new york, detroit, l.a. or miami
Approach with caution, cause brothers pack jammies
In they coat pocketbooks, and even they jock
You on the wrong brother, and you bound to get popped

I hear voices sayin thats erick sermon

[erick sermon]
Hurry hurry and step right up
The best show on earth, epmd yea word up
And featuring the man on the cut
He who dont believe can get the (macadamia) nuts
So whassup homeboy, theres any static?
Do we have to ? ? and get dramatic?
Or can we cool and be jolly old chaps
Or break loose, pull out guns and bust caps?
Nah, I dont think you want that
So I cool, and instead I bust raps
Like check one two, and you dont quit
And match a funky dope rhyme that fits
I say a rhyme and change the whole subject
And still flow, and freak the whole public
It cant be done, especially by a crab mc
Who came out the crack rehab
You must be mad, in fact, kind of rad
You not a smooth criminal, you soft and Im bad
Dont mean to brag, Im just makin a point
Some say Im def, the old school say Im the joint
Fencin, no half-steppin, straight up and down
I gets mine, so you should cool and lounge when

Epmd is in town
[pmd] no words at all boy
Strictly snappin necks!
Epmd is in town
[pmd] no words at all boy
Strictly snappin necks!

Epmds in effect
Snappin necks n cashin checks

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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