
Songtext Jane 6 Epmd


Jane 6

[P] Y-yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[PYo, chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later
[P] Jane.. Jane..
[E] Ha hah
[P] Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"
[P] Yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[P] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later
[P] Jane.. Jane..
Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"

[Parrish Smith]
Check this out
I was hangin out late, creepin a quarter to two
Polly with cats, sippin on a 40 of brew
Pulled out the Dutch Master cause it's time to get on
Turned on the truck system to pump a hip-hop song
Five minutes later I see these other kids clockin
Meanwhile my niggaz chalmed out with system rockin
Sayin in my mind -- who could it be?
As he got closer, I peeped, it was the E-Double E
I said, "Whattup Duke?"

[E] Yo, whassup Sundullah?
I have a girl and she wants me to duke her
[P] Yo, why didn't you?
[E] Yo, I woulda hit the skins
[P] That's when I chilled, and peeped the two heads in the Benz
Gave my crew dap, and hopped the right the fuck on in
E-Double set it
[E] Yo P, this is Sandy and Lynn, Duke

[Parrish Smith]
I said yo, what's the deally yo? She said, "Sex, you wanna feely yo?"
Lift her skirt with no panties, felt the familio
Lookin half filipines, mixed with black in the genes
Had to drop the windows, to release the steam

[samples from the other "Jane" sagas]
[P] Jane.. Jane..
Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"
[P] Yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[both] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later
[P] Jane.. Jane..
Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"
[P] Yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[both] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later

[Parrish Smith]
Shorter than short and petite, blazin ass body and physique
Five-doggin it, pumpin Jay-Z and Memphis Bleek

[Erick Sermon]
Burnin somethin, purple chronic, orange or thai
On the expressway, 4-9-5 L.I.

[Parrish Smith]
Straight rollin, nice from the Henny before
Shorty wanted to pull over and get a Dutch from the store

[Erick Sermon]
We parked the Benz, the girls got out and walked right in
Copped a 40 and a Dutch, and hopped right back in

[Parrish Smith]
Tried to pull off, that's when a squad car cut us off
Five-oh pulled out and said, "Chill, cause it's the law"

[samples from the other "Jane" sagas]
[P] Yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[P] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later
[P] Jane.. Jane..
Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"
[P] Yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[both] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later
[P] Jane.. Jane..
Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"

[Parrish Smith]
Aiyyo they caught us on a techno (techno)
Girls started shakin, gettin petrol
Pulled the burner 540, one shot, sunscreen's essential

[Erick Sermon]
Straight dumpin, no love for the badge and the gun
Straight accomplices, now our ass is on the run

[Parrish Smith]
Now shit's drastic, dodgin and dippin traffic
Bitches started regulatin on some flash and blast shit
She's out the Benz with the quickness, that's when the shit got real
Bitches flipped, hit PMD with the steel

[Erick Sermon]
And asked him how it feel, jumped right back in grabbed the wheel
Told the cats to relax and yo, peep the deal

[Parrish Smith]
Remember Tommy Twotime, who used to move moonshine?
Now he's a bitch nigga, frontin for cats, droppin dimes

[Erick Sermon]
Yo time to see him, he be hangin at the coliseum
Down on 48th and Lex, near the black museum

[Parrish Smith]
He owe me somethin, when I see him, I'm straight dumpin
Catch him four times in the legs, get close and ask him somethin

[Erick Sermon]
YO WHATTUP GOD? 'Member J, from the schoolyard?
Try to floss when I was chillin, HOLD THIS BABY PAH!

[Parrish Smith]
I looked at E like, "Yo, this bitch is talkin like a dude"
Seen the cat across the street, she said, "It's time to move"

[Erick Sermon]
Ran up on him, he looked like he saw a ghost
Tried to run, but J pulled out and flashed the toast

[Parrish Smith]
Toast told him to bend over, and then the girl lift her dress
Pulled out a dick, laced him in the ass, and asked him
how he liked it -- kid was cryin in pain
'Member you raped me in the park? Peep _The Crying Game_

[E] Shocked, snap the hammer
[P] Aiyyo the kid fell slow
I coulda swore he said, "Yo, don't do it Jane!"

[samples from the other "Jane" sagas]
[P] Yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[P] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later
[P] Jane.. Jane..
Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"
[P] Yo
[E] Won't you do a me a favor?
[both] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you up later
[P] Jane.. Jane..
Oh, what a nice name
Looked her up and down, said, "Hmm, I'll take her"

[E] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you later
[P] Jane..
[E] Uhh..
[P] PMD.. Millenium Ducats
[E] Chill with the bitch and I'll hook you later..

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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