
Songtext Pioneers Epmd



[erick sermon]
And you dont quit
Yeah, pioneers one time (one time, two times)
Yeah, erick sermon boy

[parrish smith]
Yeah, we rap, where you at? (mic check)
Check this out!
Aiyyo, who wanna step up and get their cranium cracked
From my man +louis+ from the +ville+, slugger baseball bat
Cock back gats, cause rugged apparels where its at
So stand back, we flash a nine before the jack and squeeze triggers
Blazin at one-hit wonder niggaz like smoothe da hustler
I still sneak over and fuck your babysitter
No quitter, microphones my transmitter
Which clocks figures, in return, the tracks the _gold digger_

[erick sermon]
Huh me? I buy ice for no one
Rap shogun, so I bought myself a gun
Yeah dunn, aint the one to be steppin to son
I agree with slick rick, you cats is crumbs
My squad gets dumb and jim carrey you ought the buildin
Messin around with gods children
I take action, like film crews
You against me, face to face, youll lose!

Chorus: erick sermon, parrish smith (repeat 2x)

[e] here comes two big pioneers, rolex watches
Cars by the pairs, in stock we got shares
Epmd.. thats right!
[p] legendary, hardcore b-boy is the pedigree

[erick sermon]
P and I dont stop, we dont quit, whos seein em?
On tracks, we ruff ryde like d and them
Then case the joint, like an agent, thats secret
Cats hate, so we on point frequent
E keep it decent, had to smack a dude recent
Right down the block, from the precinct
See you a punk, that talk too lenient
When I speak to a motherfucker, I mean it!

[parrish smith]
So open sesame, and let down the main gate
But before you scream epmd, you should wait
Cause we roll with a posse, from strong long to canarsie
Qbc, boogie down bronx, back to marcy
Pass that kiko, I drop a verse that sound slick yo
And your chick know, ps hungry, like the hippoes
Suck on no nipples, but duck cats, quick to stick you
Like a pin-up, workin out, and doin chin-ups


[erick sermon]
Huh, aiyyo my style flows, say it liquidates
Its best when it hits the beat and catch the breaks
Two time felon, fuck around with me
And my man pussycat and catch two to the melon!

[parrish smith]
Then I be like, yep yep, just like teddy, +raw+ like eddie
Sweaty, when I hold shit down and bake like betty
And when I want things to move, I blink like +bewitched+
To handle shit in the dark, red lights, with the laser hit


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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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