
Songtext R kid Aitch


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R kid


If my nigga takes an injury, I share him my blood
If you make an attempt, I'll be airin' the slug
Always helpin', but nobody wants to help me, it's rough
Have a brother OD, 'cause it's never enough (Yo)

If my brother ever need me, know I'm there when it's tough
Can't forget my young hitters, gotta share with the pots
Seein' hella jealousy, I swear it's tearin' me up
Bro just tell me that they love me, but that's barely enough

I feel 'lone, next day I'm on top of the world
I don't know, I'm kinda lost for my words
My broski and Whizzy went and got him som? work
And Jay White just hopped in a Merc (Skrr, skrr)
Hand on my h?art for my brothers, them are doin' some dirt
But then again, they wouldn't let me, they ain't new to the curb
Where I'm from, we puttin' loyalty and unity first
So we don't move if we can't move with the herd (Yeah)

I'm makin' movies, brudda, fuck what you heard
Everybody makes mistake, I put my faith in a nerd
Left us hangin' when it mattered, man, that shit really hurt
But nowadays if you act funny, we turn man into shirts
And how's your brother going without, riddle me that
If bro runnin' out of gas, then we sharin' the flat
We was in peace at heart, dinin' to dash
And we were halvin' our cash
Now we all got chocolate Rollies to stash

My AP white gold, bro got the rose to match
I soon cut my sister one, if she can hold me to that
2017 stressin', it was cold in the flat
So 2020 still stressin', I can't hold all this cash
Tellin' me you got me, I don't know until you show it
If I'm fallin' would you watch me?
When I'm brawlin' would you throw it?
Would you love me if I lost it?
Would you call me at my lowest?
Feel like half of me a rapper, but still all of me a poet

If my nigga takes an injury, I share him my blood
If you make an attempt, I'll be airin' the slug
Always helpin', but nobody wants to help me, it's rough
Have a brother OD, 'cause it's never enough (Yo)

If my brother ever need me, know I'm there when it's tough
Can't forget my young hitters, gotta share with the pots
Seein' hella jealousy, I swear it's tearin' me up
Bro just tell me that they love me, but that's barely enough

I was out there trappin', I was servin' my line
Ain't been racist in my life, but I was murderin' white
All my packages are flappin' like the birds in the sky
Hit these beats and keep on snappin' like a [?] in Dubai
My boys are growin' crops, no wellington, farm creps
Hangin' trees, like we're tryna keep our car fresh
I ain't talkin' lyrics when we was tryna make a bar stretch
Now I roll up Harrods, all I'm spendin' is the farfetch

R Kid's on my cases, said I gotta keep the bar set
And I ain't even wrote a bar yet, yeah
Hit the party, grab the brolly from the Rolls Royce
We ain't tryna get the garms wet
Yo, same kid on the same old shit
M40, 016, same old bits
Tell me brothers to win you gotta take those hits
'Cause success stays forever, but the pains goes quick

I cop whips from my work, I got the coupe earnin'
Spinnin' riddims when I'm spittin' like the booth's turnin'
I used to have to save for a Nike Tech
Now all this fire's on the house like the roof's burnin'
My problem seem big 'til I got grown up
But now I handle shit like a dog owner
Hella ups and downs, it's like a stock broker
Don't sleep, air beds, get your block blown up

If my nigga takes an injury, I share him my blood
If you make an attempt, I'll be airin' the slug
Always helpin', but nobody wants to help me, it's rough
Have a brother OD, 'cause it's never enough (Yo)

If my brother ever need me, know I'm there when it's tough
Can't forget my young hitters, gotta share with the pots
Seein' hella jealousy, I swear it's tearin' me up
Bro just tell me that they love me, but that's barely enough

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