
Songtext Louis vuitton Aitch


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Louis vuitton


Ain't nothin' to it
I came from the sewers, got busy and made me a change
Spring up the booth
And look great when I do it, I swear, they don't make 'em the same (Yeah)
Bae in the coupe
Tony K in the boot, hittin' pays like I'm takin' a chase (Skrrt, skrrt)
Drive in the winter
I'm takin' the Goose, in the summer, I take off the brain (Woo)

She likes a man that holds it down, spend racks in Louis Vuitton
But he had a chain before his first house, baby, he's doin' it wrong
I love the block, but can't wait to l?ave it, D, miss you when I'm gone
Hous? on the fox, new gyal every week, but I still miss you in that font

Brothers are mad at me
I've never met 'em, so fuck 'em, it is what it is
If we're talkin' salaries
I'm out the question, I ain't tryna piss on your chips
I'm up in Canada
Life is a blessin', I might buy a crib in the 6ix
Blondie like Pamala
Lighty like Megan, I can't decide which ones to pick (Woo)
Fuck up the climate
Now everyone's signin' no less than a million quid
They see how I'm ridin'
Now they're tryna bite us, stop lyin' and give me my shit (Give me that)
Smoke Cali', I'm fly and I'm lit
While I'm drivin' it, try and still stick in the whip (Skrrt)
Mask for the virus
Bro got one for slidin', it's all kinda similar shit
Bro pullin' over for pics
If his phone's in the whip, then we're takin' a charge
They got their picks on the AMPR
Takin' the piss or they're takin' the car
Blacked out the Wraith, but it came with the stars
Back in the place, but I stay in the dark
Man in L.A., but I stay in the charts (Woo)

Ain't nothin' to it
I came from the sewers, got busy and made me a change (Yeah)
Spring up the booth
And look great when I do it, I swear, they don't make 'em the same (No way)
Bae in the coupe
Tony K in the boot, hittin' pays like I'm takin' a chase (Skrrt, skrrt)
Drive in the winter
I'm takin' the Goose, in the summer, I take off the brain (Ah)

She likes a man that holds it down, spend racks in Louis Vuitton (Woo)
But he had a chain before his first house, baby, he's doin' it wrong
I love the block, but can't wait to leave it, D, miss you when I'm gone
House on the fox, new gyal every week, but I still miss you in that font

Hidin' my face, can't show no love, get too many photos took
Lyin' on Aitch, but they don't know I'm watch, man couldn't give a solo fuck
Slide to the place in a roll-less truck, bet the owner knows it's us
Now my guys in the Wraith full of coats and hoods, got weed, I might roll some up
Look, I ain't been home in weeks
Head hot, but my heart don't feel, it's peak
This show, hit the road and ski
Me and my roses gold as the goals in Priest
Sometimes when I ghost and leave
Then I look to the shelf, all the trophies cleaned
Best talk to the G.O.A.T. with ease
If the man want war, you can hold some heat
Worked too hard, man step with my chest out
Ain't nothin' to stress 'bout
Made some members along the way, true say, met a couple of let-downs
I set the pace, don't get in my way, gang cop out the Cullinan jet bound
Make some cake back to the estate, then go buy Mummy a next house

Can't take your call now
Just leave your message after the tone
Hi, Mr. Armstrong
Just a quick call to tell you
That all of your payments have been received
And everything is being finalized
You can come and collect your keys when you're ready

She likes a man that holds it down, spend racks in Louis Vuitton (Woo)
But he had a chain before his first house, baby, he's doin' it wrong
I love the block, but can't wait to leave it, D, miss you when I'm gone
House on the fox, new gyal every week, but I still miss you in that font

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