
Songtext Cheque Aitch


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Bentley Bentayga
2 door Lamborghini
My jewellery expensive I spent me a cheque
Splash on my baby
We flew Santorini
Put packs in the pussy and went on the jet
Shawty come through
Smell like Coco Chanel
If I give her the tip she gonna beg for the rest
Man talking shit when I'm not in the city
Bro do what I say and I send him the bread

Racks in the middle like Roddy and Nipsey
Say I hop out the whip with intention to flex
Man talking shit when I'm not in the city
Bro do what I say and I send him the bread
Pack out the mansion
A pool full of strippers
Like double your whip what I spent on my neck
Gave her some racks
Now she covered in Fendy
The opps don't offend me I couldn't give an F
Ain't talking money
I don't wanna listen
I count up a 30
She giving me neck
I got that water if she getting thirsty
My bitches are certi but sick in the head
Taking a snap on the back of a dirty
Like nothing can hurt me
I live on the edge
Fuck all my opps I ain't showing no mercy
Pull racks out the dirt and put it on your head

Bentley Bentayga
2 door Lamborghini
My jewellery expensive I spent me a cheque
Splash on my baby
We flew Santorini
Put packs in the pussy and went on the jet
Shawty come through
Smell like Coco Chanel
If I give her the tip she gonna beg for the rest
Man talking shit when I'm not in the city
Bro do what I say and I send him the bread

Been like 3 months
I spent over 250
My whip automatic
No gears on my stick
Man talking shit when I'm not in the city
I hop out the truck and appear with the click
Big double D that's the size of her titties
She double the C when she wearing the kicks
Broski will boot it
You mention my name
I ain't blanking no texts
When he air it and dip
Finished the show
Filled the tour bus with models
Got 3 of them on me
They sharing the dick
Party at tape
Couple thousand on bottles
Linked *** and fucked her right there in the whip
Rain on the pussy
I brought me some goggles
But ain't gonna eat if there's hairs on the kit
She gonna love me by end of tomorrow
I fuck her so good she be scared to commit
Mortgage is paid
No my Bentley ain't rented
I limo the tints
Got my goons in the jeep
Money been up
Give a fuck bout who trending
Ain't making me bread
What you doing for me
Been on the ends
And I'm still on the ends
All the trappers they love me
My shooters are free
Try get me down didn't finish the job
Get your money back pussy
Don't lose the receipt

Bentley Bentayga
2 door Lamborghini
My jewellery expensive I spent me a cheque
Splash on my baby
We flew Santorini
Put packs in the pussy and went on the jet
Shawty come through
Smell like Coco Chanel
If I give her the tip she gonna beg for the rest
Man talking shit when I'm not in the city
Bro do what I say and I send him the bread

[?], I see money [?]
[?], who they try? Now I think it's time for you to see the sign (Okay)

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