
Songtext Belgraveroad_1 Aitch


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Ain't no leaders where I'm from, I got a fear [?]
Some my brothers that my got me through the final lap
I feel like I'm floppin' when I try relax
But it turned me to a boss because I like the graft
Built a couple bridges over minor gaps
Burned a couple too, I might struggle, but the time will pass
Long way from playin' double up behind the flats
Lookin' for some money, havin' trouble tryna find a bag
Bro, there's some snakes in the bits
Snake your bread, just be careful who you're br?akin' it with
Brothers hate when you'r? paid, girls as fake as their lips
Everybody turns salty, you gotta take you a pinch
Raise my glass up in the air and go and smash it off the wall
I don't wanna pour one if you won't catch me when I fall
Call me bro but you still struggle lookin' at me when I talk
Hide my feelings, everybody say I'm hard to read
I got some problems, if I state, you wouldn't half believe
They think it's all party, beats, and Cardi Bs
I done lost a lot of love for the game
Shit changed, plus I feel like it don't love me the same
I might expect too much or it just fucks with my brain
I don't know, feels like I'm stuck in a maze
Takes a lot to explain
Die for my little sister tomorrow
I'd go to jail for my broski and I won't feel a way
Put my ends on the map, I had to open the gate
Now they tag me in posts when they go down the lane
God got me, mum, I know that you pray
But I'm never far from home even though I'm away
See the rosary beads you left me when I open my case
From the roads to the road to be great
Dad told me, "Find a craft and go and master it"
Now he ain't got to graft, he just relax and find a gaff to flip
Some my family still won't bag it up and package it
But some things never change, I put my cash in for the damages
Still hungry like I need me a rack
Even though the bando in Manny, it really be's in the trap
I lost friends for a second, thought I needed them back
I never been more wrong, and shit, we'll leave it at that
Took a break to get some shit up off my chest
Stopped myself from postin', said I'm chillin' for a sec
Told everyone I'm focused and I need a little rest
But if I'm honest, I just ghosted 'cause I split up with my ex
Life is [?], had to pick up where I left
Booked a flight with couple brodies, took the business off my head
Lyin' if I said I'm lonely, got my brothers to the death
If I die, give all my Rollies to the thugs and let 'em flex

Yeah, go on then
I'll shout, I'll shout you to my, innit?
Go on
Alright, respect, yeah
I'll show you how to drive your SV 'round, man
Hahaha, say no more
Safe, fam
Safe, yeah
Safe, man
Safe, man

It's hard followin' your brain when you're sold on ket
It still feels like no one's there
Sittin' on my throne with an open stare
'Cause to me, it's just a broken chair
I love it at the top, but shit, it's cold up there
I kinda found out how it feels to be alone up there
Lookin' for some hope, it never showed up there
But fuck it, I'm a solider, I can cope up there
High as numb shit don't feel the same
All the money in the world couldn't heal the pain
All the honeys and the girls wanna deal with Aitch
But they deal with him too if he steals my name
Back then, I used to play they'd know me
But shit ain't what I thought, sometimes it ain't so rosey
Kick back and think as I burn my spliff
Just put the world out and watch the day go slowly

Ayy, knobhead, I need these receipts
Rapido, you know
I've got a fuckin' Excel sheet in front of me, yeah
You would not believe how much money you're throwin' away on fuckin' receipts
Just get back to me please, you know
And in a bit

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