
Songtext Fuego Aitch


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Yeah ok though
Ok though yeah yeah

Ok though
100k that's some playdough
Cully range or a Bentayga
Sunny day in my raincoat
Ignite the flame when I say so
Fuck this babe with my chain on
See my face you couldn't say no

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

Strap with no safety
Big fuck off mac in the case yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Tracks in the safe
Blacked out the wraith
In my zone
Off the ground like I quit the gram
Cops some land with 2 cribs to boast
On demand with no shit to post

Risky roads, off the camera what's in the smoke
Lotta bands that got pinky roses
Wash my hands with some fifty notes

Rollin rollin like its stolen ain't no tints in the whip
Sha shawty pull up upon me popped a pill and she tripped
Pa pause and I just freeze up my wrist
Got a couple models that's tryna creep out the crib

Yeah ok though yeah yeah
100k that's some playdough
Cully range or a Bentayga
Sunny day in my raincoat
Ignite the flame when I say so
Fuck this babe with my chain on
See my face you can't say no

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

She fuckin with me
Pull up on her put that pussy to sleep
Come with the jeep
Had to much fun and left cum on the seats
Double the fee
N tell em I'm coming with couple of freaks
With 2 hundred at least
Didn't just come here to jump on the beat

Racks up
Little man get your stacks up
Sipping yak getting mad up
She lick a man like a back wood
Catch up
Run your mouth n get smacked up
Bun him down if you act up
Cut the clout out I don't chat much

Bad bitch
Ima slide right in
Chop his hands off it was type writing
Called the chauffeur I don't like driving
Bro got his poker tryna Mike Myers him

Ok though
100k that's some playdough
Cully range or a Bentayga
Sunny day in my raincoat
Ignite the flame when I say so
Fuck this babe with my chain on
See my face you can't say no

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

Racks up
Stay down
Arse up
Face down
Park up
Space out
Spark up

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