
Songtext My g Aitch


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My g

No other name for you
Even though they call you by another, you were always my G
And, you light up the room
Ever since the first day you were here, you were always my G
And, if the world is cruel (Cruel)
I will be the last one standin' here to protect you
Don't grow up too soon
From now and to forever, you are always my G (Yeah)

Yo, G (Ha)
You probably won't even understand this ('Stand this)
So, I'ma try and paint the picture 'round the canvas
Just want to tell you, you won't ever get abandoned
Can't lie, I start?d writin' and got anxious
But, you're my biggest blessin', what a lif? that I've been granted
One in a million, couldn't try it if we planned it
Don't mind me, just fly free, you're my G
Shit ain't easy, this a different type of love (Yeah)
Every time we greet, you get a different kind of hug (Hug)
All the memories that we keep, you and me can write a book
And we're still not done, you're my G 'til time is up (Time is up)
Out in public, you walk past and they might look
Keep smilin', baby girl, and watch the day go brighten up
Know I'm still with you, I'll kill for you if someone tried their luck
Can't even sip my drink, I'm spillin' tears inside my cup
Knew you were special from the minute you was born
Unidentical twin, but so different from 'em all
So happy when I met you and your sister ran the ward
You know big bro's here to come and lift you if you fall (If you fall)
I know Hat'll take care of you when I am gone
That's my angel, she be stable until I am one
I wish Tony seen you's grow, but, shit, we ride on (We ride on)
Lookin' back at old pictures, where's the time gone?

No other name for you
Even though they call you by another, you were always my G
And, you light up the room
Ever since the first day you were here, you were always my G
And, if the world is cruel (Cruel)
I will be the last one standin' here to protect you (Trust)
Don't grow up too soon (Yo)
From now and to forever, you are always my G

Heart broke when I found out there's a hole in yours
Had me stressed out for weeks, but I cope, of course
No way you would have left us, you was three months old
You got a long life ahead of you, I know there's more (There's more)
To make you happy's what I'm hopin' for
Can have anything you want, I took an oath, I swore
Baby, live your best life, you shouldn't grow by force (By force)
All in your own time, G, the globe is yours
Yeah, you got us wearin' odd socks on the twenty-first
People laugh, but we're too strong for it to ever hurt
They might try and bring you down, but it'll never work
When you smile, you just light up the room
I ain't never met a person that's brighter than you
Say "I love you", and I mean it every time that I do (Every time that I do)
You little shit, you got me cryin' in the booth
Tryna do Mum proud, tryna do Dad proud
Tryna do you proud, tryna do Hat proud
I swear I'm tryin', in five years, I ain't sat down
And all I've heard is your voice in the background
Don't say a word before you chat, I just know it
If I answer FaceTime, you gon' ask me where Joe is
Swear to God, you're just amazin', little girl
From the bottom of my heart, I wouldn't change it for the world, yeah

No other name for you
Even though they call you by another, you were always my G (My G)
And, you light up the room
Ever since the first day you were here, you were always my G
And, if the world is cruel (Cruel)
I will be the last one standin' here to protect you
Don't grow up too soon (Too soon)
From now and to forever, you are always my G

No other name for you (My G)
Ever since the first day you were here, you were always my G
And, you light up the room (Light up the room)
Don't grow up too soon (Don't grow up too soon)
From now and to forever, you are always my G (My G)

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