42 Dugg

Songtext No love 42 Dugg


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No love

Street nigga living lavish, yeah
Fifty racks and reps, that's on a fly bitch, yeah
Armored truck, they think it's Trump when we touch down, yeah
Uncle pimpin', brother robbin', I came up cookin', yeah
Earrings a half a ticket, these ain't lab diamonds
I put on this shit myself, ain't got no damn stylist
Hundred million dollars, nigga, still will get violent
Rylo with me, we business partners, we just bust down a dime
We so turnt up, yeah, all day pour up, yeah
233's be choppin' shit, them little niggas ain't poppin' shit
All blue faces, we moppin' shit, too P for all that toxic shit
Kareem the way I block a bitch, '06 Gucci, we woppin' shit
No love for the opposite, give millions to my block and shit
We run a monopoly, you ain't with us, then we stoppin' it
You wanna be nice and shit, no time for that, I'll bite the bitch
Shiesty mask and switches, Taliban, this that al-
Qaeda shit

Yeah, yeah, we the mob for real
Don't tell on your brother, don't say nothing, them lawyers comin' trim
Sent a M to slime for legal fees, I really fuck with twin
You know how that shit go for real, don't get caught on that other end
They can take the leave for the time bein', but they ain't gon' never win
Actin' stiff and missed it, I know she pissed I done turned up her friend
Tried to burn me out, but I'm still lit, tell them to blow again
They want me selling dope again, I'm ducked off with yo' ho again
Pillow talkin', tellin' the business, we don't do that
Never fallin' out 'bout these bitches, you 'posed to know that

Gave my 21 to the trenches, I'm in that new 'Bach
Judge think 'cause he gave me a sentence, I wasn't gone T up
Niggas wanna be us, gon' turn up every time they free us
I finally put my P up, my bitch got me together
Showed me she was special, young, turnt, and reckless
Say God I be with devils, 59 with the bezel
Made my first M on tether, I promised never to settle
I rose from Armageddon, fuck it, judge, I did it
Back hangin' with bitches, they tellin' on all the killers
Took a oath to never fold, want to tell that to bro
These niggas breakin' the code, platinum presi from bro
They recommended the gold, but, fuck it, bring me the rose
Fuck 'em, I want his head, for double I want him dead
The rapper really was Jedd, my come up was from the meds

Yeah, yeah, we the mob for real
Don't tell on your brother, don't say nothing, them lawyers comin' trim
Sent a M to slime for legal fees, I really fuck with twin
You know how that shit go for real, don't get caught on that other end
They can take the leave for the time bein', but they ain't gon' never win
Actin' stiff and missed it, I know she pissed I done turned up her friend
Tried to burn me out, but I'm still lit, tell them to blow again
They want me sellin' dope again, I'm ducked off with yo' ho again

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