42 Dugg

Songtext Case closed 42 Dugg


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Case closed

Yeah, we can't be
Yeah, records
I say we can't be fucked with
Not at shit, at all

Like, bitch, my neck hurt
Before I come, I need that check first
Before I put them links on, I probably should stretch first
We be yelling "Fuck 'em all" on TV
Me and Rylo in that N, bitch, we three deep
Aye, I spent a dime on some drank
Trick with a bitch who ain't a ten, bro, I can't
I'm getting more love from all the niggas used to hate us
Probably they seen how we acted out in Vegas
Probably they know I'll blow this bitch on papers
I'm extra, I might just bulletproof the Tesla, yes sir

I'm fly like 4th of July, but my cup on Easter pink
I ain't locking in with no niggas, I got too many infinity links
Ain't buying no ho no Kelly bag before we fuck, I don't care if you pop, ya dig
Ho say that she spotting, ho, you ain't bleeding out ya mouth, ya dig
B.P. truck, you'll just be practicing, you shoot this car for real
Went and took 'em shopping, next day I bought 'em more lil' ma, ya dig
Patek Phillipe, I only got one Rolex in my jewelry box, ya dig
I'm rich as hell, ain't taking no ho to no Marriott, ya dig
Shoot and go to a villa
I like yellow fillers
You fucking then you get up
She got every setting in marine setter
Yeah, and I'm rich, I'm walking 'round with thigh pads like I'm Von Miller
I'm a real finesser, I might put insurance on the jewelry, make bro steal it

I'm chilling, still forever locked in with the killers
Give that pussy up on camera but no pictures
Aye, bae, Louie Ice Creams, but I don't skate though
Make my young niggas do it, that's what this pape' for
Case closed, I'm in the Demon with the bass on
How you a killer in yo' feeling? That's a Drake song
I fuck her good in twenty minutes, I don't take long
G way and new Bottega, me, I got Bape on
I see these old niggas wanna try me
I left up out of there with all mine
And if I didn't, then they all died

Ain't never stomp no nigga down, you niggas small fries, yeah
I'm a codeine sipper, yeah
Cream soda mixer, yeah
Van Cleef accessories, yeah
Matty Boy apparel, yeah
Hermes bracelet, yeah
Chrome Heart fragrance, yeah
I ain't never in my life had to make a car note payment, yeah
Going to serve a nigga without a pistol, oh, that's crazy, yeah
Fuck with who I fuck with, I seen a killer make a statement, yeah

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