42 Dugg

Songtext Intro 42 Dugg


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Dugg, I got your letter
And I'ma tell you something
Right phone number, wrong message
You can't quit the game now
You don't rap about this shit inside of your lyrics
But see, they don't know about what you been through
They don't know the fifteen-year-old Dugg
They don't know the sixteen-year-old Dugg
They don't know how you walked that walk, ten toes down
They don't understand that probation really is a trap
They don't understand all of that
They only get one side of the story
I was there, I saw it in living color
You are a lion
And understand this, a lion
Well, he's not the fastest in the jungle
He's not the tallest in the jungle
He's not the heaviest in the jungle
He's not even the smartest in the jungle
But his attitude makes him a king
Dugg, forever us, never them
The game ain't over
It's time to win
Let's go

I don't want to live this way, constantly afraid to be the fool who left, oh my God
It's so hard
And my heart keeps me alive
Trigger, bang-bang, trigger
Trigger, bang-bang

And I'm still down to blitz
What's crackin' to all the Crips?
What's bool to all the Bloods?
Youngin know he a thug
Youngin still fuck with mud
Eight of Wock in a jug
Nigga, this what it is
Fuck what they said it was
I be with lil', lil' cuz and dem
Bendin', spinnin' like what's the ticket? I told you
It wasn't beef, these niggas bitches, I told you
It was me who got the trenches, got Rollies
Stainless Philippes, and we got switches
You know me who want some beans, nigga, let's get it
I'm done hangin' with niggas, fuckin' with niggas
I'm done playing with cuz like it ain't that
I'll still-a get on a nigga ass for free or for that bag
They thought it was on the wood, like "Chedda, what's up with Dugg?"
I knew him when he was little, now they know me as the biggest
Residue on the dishes, payin' for all the spinnin'

I'm on you, baby, you cool
I don't fuck with your nigga
I don't like that he snitching
I don't like that he livin'
Come get this money and kill 'em
Fuck you nigga, get with us
Soon as I learned to write, the judge gave me a sentence
Knew when I got indicted, the city thought I was finished
The city thought they was them, name one with a M
Or a nigga who made ten
Yeah, it's fuck you nigga again

Trigger, bang-bang, trigger
Bang-bang, bang, trigger
Bitch, we kill shit for fun, cars, murder, and guns
Bang-bang, bang, trigger

Aye, killas, killas
I be with the killas
Put fifty on his pillow, nigga, of course I know who did it
Bang, bang, come fuck with the gang
Oh, y'all be out here spinning, we be on the same
Killas, killas
I be with the killas, with the killas
Killas, I be with the killas

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