42 Dugg

Songtext Go again pt 2 42 Dugg


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Go again pt 2


I seen niggas drop fours and couldn't believe it
Y'all was supposed to been dead, y'all overachievin'
You heard of Brick Squad? Well, nigga, it's the blitz squad
And every time I hear, "Hike," I yell, "Blitz' five"
Blick 'em down, kill 'em now, yeah, we still in town
Hit up Smurk now for a Perc' now, bitch, it's a ten a round
I'll kill 'em now, spill a five, this how shit get fried
Oh, you was outside lurkin'? Niggas still be lyin'
He ain't dead, but we tried (Bitch)
All that runnin', I'm tired
Fuck on
Bitch, you die, I'ma laugh
Still on Hayes with the guy
Free the boys

Catch you slippin', I'm slidin', tell me I'm good at rappin'
Y'all good at hidin', nigga, come out and get active
My chopper shoot backwards
My bitches get pampered
You probably didn't have her, doggie, she callin' me "Daddy"
Three-fifty, that's Pattie
Five hundred, that's Rick
Two-fifty, that's Skelly, niggas so tired of my shit

Jeweler so tired of my bitch, bust down both of her wrists
Bust down both of my kids, I'm havin' fun with this shit
I should just run on this bitch, no hook, cuz
And if I pass her, I ain't like her, that's a no-look, duh
Bitch, I'm geeked off drugs, get your freaked out cousin
I'm the reason y'all buzzin', how the fuck y'all don't love me?
In the O, I'm with Chubby, in New York, I'm with Sup
In the A, I'm with Wham, bitch, in the Chi', I'm with Zook
Nigga flinch, I'ma shoot

Chin up and raise your motherfuckin' hand if you been up
And when it come to a trick, I don't like to spend much
Bitch be all on my dick, ho, you should let my mans fuck
Hundred thousand Ram truck, this a T-R
And both the baddest bitches I know is from the D.R.
And if they ask who the richest, nigga, we are
Remember bein' on Roxbury with T.R., with C.C. and App
Three Gs with cap, four thousand with tax
Might buy it and never wear it, freak bitches, I'm sharin'
Fuck wrong with Aaron? Niggas be out here playin'
I'ma opp your mans, Reece, these niggas crazy
Reece, these niggas is hatin', Reece, these niggas fakin'
Reece, these niggas playin' how I never'll play

It's time to go again
If I catch a nigga lackin', I'ma score again
She just was playin' wifey, now look at her, ho again
Quit tryna tell me that I'm big, I'm finna blow again
I'm off a four of red
It's time to go again
Don't call me lookin' for no brick 'cause I might know a friend
And way before I blew a M, bitch, I was blowin' N's
And way before I met lil' Tim, I been on takin' shit
Don't tell me that it's up, nigga, that'll get you thumped, nigga

Still catchin' contacts in the track, Sprite dirty, that's Act
Just bought my third penthouse and my third mansion
When they was buyin' Jacob's, Doggie, was goin' to practice
When they bussin' G-SHOCKs, Doggie was bussin' Pateks
Momma keep throwin' fits, I get it, girlie, you miss her
Daddy still doin' a bid, I need you, nigga, you trippin'
Put it up if it's a Richard, this one for the slums
Who can help me move a chicken? Bitch, I'm on the run
Three watches, that's like a ticket, all big dawgs
Raise your hand if you could still turn a brick soft
You want attention, baby? I'm from the trenches, baby, get up
500 in rose what it take to keep my chin up
Cashmere on the hoodie, $4000 from Christian
Yeah, girlie was cool, doggie got too many bitches
I'm the key to the city, just ask the niggas with me
Everybody got money and cars, a lot of tension
Everybody was beatin' them charges, a lot was snitchin'
I'm lawyerin', I'm consistent, evolved and keepin' my distance
Run it up to the ceilin', stayin' out of my feelings
Money still over bitches, fuckin' still over kissin'
My Track still on them 6s, sit back, nigga, and listen
If they ask, I'm official, bitch
In my bag, I'm offended, it's been that way since my sentence
No co-defendant or witness, I took that shit on the chin, chin
Slidin' on the 6 in a Benz
Deep dish rims, freak bitch and her friends
Been tryin' to score again, it's time to tour again
Bring mine in a Benz, rubber band by tens
Vacuum seal like za's, stuff 'em, that's for the sides
Fuck 'em that's for the 5's, free mines

It's time to go again
If I catch a nigga lackin', I'ma score again
She just was playin' wifey, now look at her, ho again
Quit tryna tell me that I'm big, I'm finna blow again
I'm off a four of red
It's time to go again
Don't call me lookin' for no brick 'cause I might know a friend
And way before I blew a M, bitch, I was blowin' N's
And way before I met lil' Tim, I been on takin' shit
Don't tell me that it's up, nigga, that'll get you thumped, nigga

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