42 Dugg

Songtext 4x4 42 Dugg


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We in them 4x4s
700, this bitch got go
Real fent' what I put in my dope
I was walkin' that yard on my own
You ain't turnt till you been on that road
How you turnt? Y'all ain't even got phones
New house like 1.4, no keys, everything got codes
Ain't no sucker, but I step for my bitch
Ask around if I let off my blick
He was dissin', so I spun that bitch
Ask the East who run that bitch?

Young Dog right here don't play
My nigga gon' go if I can't
Lil' cuz can't roll my pint
That's how he lost his life
Still got Ms on ice
Bitch, I still got Tim's on ice
Bitch the type of nigga put rims on strikers
Doggy, where you been at?
I been dodging my third indictment
No more text, we kitin'
Aye, no more calls, we writin'
I ain't got no pole, I'm fightin'
Can't even be me, they bitin'
Heard word on the street she liked him
Couple days later, I fucked her
What else?
Couple days later, it's fuck her
Might send this shit to my bunkie
Big carats on me, they chunky
Black Cherry APs, it's funky
Probably somewhere T'd with the junkies
Tryin' to send my beans to the country
Don't be mad at me, she fuckin'
How you mad at me he fucked her?
How you mad at me we fucked her?
How you mad at me she fuckin'?

We in them 4x4s
700, this bitch got go
Real fent' what I put in my dope
I was walkin' that yard on my own
You ain't turnt till you been on that road
How you turnt? Y'all ain't even got phones
New house like 1.4, no keys, everything got codes
Ain't no sucker, but I step for my bitch
Ask around if I let off my blick
He was dissin', so I spun that bitch
Ask the East who run that bitch?

Walked in, Bottega my sneaks
I'll step on ya neck in some cleats
In the hood on the money or something
Plane New York for the rest of the week
I just left out Dubai with a half on me
For a week I can live like a sheikh
She keep talkin' like she want some cash money
When I fuck her, I'm hittin' delete
Delete that, delete that
Ain't make the viewin' but went to the repass
I sent a shooter, but he couldn't be fast
Switch go brrr since he wanna be bad
Neck go brrr, and my wrist playin' freeze tag
I'm in Skyami where I wanna be at
I'm back outside, it's like I was in rehab
If I don't post it, my haters won't be mad
If I don't post it, my haters won't be mad, whoa
Is it the 'Gram that's hurtin' your heart?
Lil' shawty a work of art for real
Say that she wanted to swim with the sharks
I'm takin' her straight to St. Barts, for real
Say that she leavin' her nigga tomorrow
I told her that really ain't smart, trippin'
I got a date with a rich ho tomorrow
And she tryna to rip me apart

We in them 4x4s
700, this bitch got go
Real fent' what I put in my dope
I was walkin' that yard on my own
You ain't turnt till you been on that road
How you turnt? Y'all ain't even got phones
New house like 1.4, no keys, everything got codes
Ain't no sucker, but I step for my bitch
Ask around if I let off my blick
He was dissin', so I spun that bitch
Ask the East who run that bitch?

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