Brother Ali

Songtext Writer's block Brother Ali


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Writer's block

[Verse 1:]
I ain't trying to be one of them dudes
That make hundreds of new songs and none of them are good
Some of them are cool but ain't saying nothing new
Running through a verse just for something to do
I wanna be the cat that put the [?] in the back
Or the camel and send them to the Cairo back
I wanna write a line that's in your head all day
Songs that make you say you never felt that way
Look I'm trying to give myself goosebumps okay?
Find the truth inside me and put it on display
Any dedicated folks, listen to me close
I open my inner soul and slip it in my quotes
Some flood the blogs, some flood the streets
I don't flood nothing I'm water in the seas
I walk away from MCs offering me cheese
To author a 16 and drop it on the beat
And it's not like money ain't something that I need
There's a business side and I wanna succeed
Plus I gotta wife and a couple kids to feed
But if I sell my love then what's left for me?

Sometimes I don't write a lot
I know some folks call that writers block
I just call it my process
It comes out when it's ready to I guess
I don't wanna let nobody down so
Here's some new shit you tell me how it sounds
I ain't trying to be difficult or no shit
It just hurts too bad to try to force it

[Verse 2:]
Had a week off and a short tour break
I flew out to Seattle to go and [?] with Jake
He give me the breaks that the famous dude would take
I'm hyped, imagining the magic we'll create
I love my family, but damn, they distract me
When I'm at home someones always yelling "daddy! "
Need to get away badly and focus
But it's been a couple weeks since I really wrote shit
I'm strugglin'
Up late hummin'
Pace around the hotel the words ain't comin'
Wrote a little something threw it away "fuck it! "
Have an artist freak out moment start buggin'
Maybe it's the [?]
My fire's just lost
I'm probably a fraud that got lucky before
If I let everybody down what's it all for?
Looking at Seattle from the 23rd floor
Crack the window it swung open wide
Nothing between me and the world outside
What if I decide to lean forward and fly
They say that's the way [?]
Such a beautiful night ended in suicide
Maybe trying to write was tearing him up inside
Maybe trying to write was tearing him up inside
I swear that trying to write was tearing me up inside
I bet that I'd regret it, the second that I did it
Wishing that instant that I could continue living
I pushed the window closed said "man you trippin"
Sat down on the bed and wrote this one

Sometimes I don't write a lot
I know some folks out there call that writers block
I just call it my process
It comes out when it's ready to I guess
I don't wanna let nobody down so
Here's some new shit you tell me how it sounds
I ain't trying to be difficult or no shit
It just hurts too bad to try to force it

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