Brother Ali

Songtext Singing this song Brother Ali


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Singing this song

singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
blood on our hands its wetter than it ever was
we say its getting better yet it seldom does
everybody wanna fuss but what gets discussed
when its all said and done what will be said of us
this is who we are not who we have to be
in the lasting aftermath of a tragedy
don’t wanna talk no more i heard it all before
i just know that i don’t want this on my heart no more
speeding on a crash course with our final hour
only thing that can bring us back is our finest hour
excellence flow from every precious soul is the
only way that i know to harness that kind of power
we can shine brighter sing bigger love louder
we can dream farther hope harder work smarter
this is that moment sand flowing through the hour
glass is our only opponenent that we have
all around the world different song same messagedignigty in that spolight and life’s precious
when we raise voices we’re joining a chorus
you’re not a solo the harmony is enormous
echo john lennon we echo nina simone
we echo my brother chuck d that legacy lives on
and when the struggle stress you
let it bless you keep you strong
and may your voice live on forever in that song
dr. betty and malcom shabazz
coretta and martin king
singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
singing this song let the whole world know
and so if we want to get anywhere we have to be self loving
enough, to be honest with ourselves, to do some soul
searching. i’m not talking about soul searching to see
inside our soul, we got to find out what the hell happened
our soul. we’ve got to find that shit. i want my humanity
i want to be a human being again. i want to live in a fair
we’ve got to decide to rejoin the human family again.
not talking about just this case, we not talking about just
this issue, we’re talking about weather or not we’re
going to
be human beings again. peace!

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