Brother Ali

Songtext Work everyday Brother Ali


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Work everyday

Damn, man. I’m broker than an old VCR, man. I need a job.
Are they hiring at your
Job? I got a stack of red bills at my house. It looks like
Valentine’s Day at the crib. My
Kids are eating left-over leftovers, man. I can’t fool
them no more. It’s job time
Got to work every day
Got to work every day
My God there’s got to be more to life than this
There’s got to be a bigger reason that I exist
Work to eat to earn my keep
To ensure somewhere to sleep and spend the weekend buying
Don’t need economists to know I need pot to piss
Follow politics man I ain’t got time to think
What I got to set aside for my retirement
Cop a double shift pay somebody to watch the kids
Sick of all this but can’t take an off day
Doctor’s office I can’t swing the co pay
Trapped in a network luck just to get work
They celebrate every week nobody gets hurt
Greed could never leave well enough alone
They keep on squeezing till we bleed from every bone
And we’ll strive hard and stress about the rent
Probably still die poor and in debt without a cent but
I guess I’ll carry my ass down to the county and see what
they’re talking about. But
You know they treat you like you shot somebody just because
you need a little help
You’re telling my you ain’t never been down on your luck
Never tried to make them ends meet but just got stuck
Never slaved at a gig like a bum with a cup
Added all your pennies up and you still ain’t had enough
And the jobs full up they ain’t hiring
I’m barely surviving not enough to get by with
Hunger is a constant problem stomach steady growling
People getting shot in my environment
Study go to college is what them people hollering
Too many road blocks in the way its not an option
To say that its impossible I would be lying
But you ain’t got a chance if you’re not up in that top
A couple got a scholarship but I am not them
Ain’t got the skills to pay the bills so my pockets are
So until I cop a gig and my hardship ends
Fixing to line my self up at your welfare office again
And I expect to be accepted as the man that I am
Respectfully and appreciatively Ma’am
God damn you must be out of your mind
Do you see this Tea Party stuff, man? Them people look broke
their damn self. Are
People stressing here’s the question
How they get people drinking tea in a recession
It’s deception how absurd is this
How are so many poor people conservative
A pro artist I put it in the good music
A con artist job’s to make you look stupid
Lookie here I’ll teach you how to look trough it
First thing you need to know every con got a hook to it
They seduce you with a little wealth
Say you could have some of these crumbs for yourself
If the government doesn’t make us help anyone else
You stuck a red sign on your foreclosed house
Make you think you’re taking back your nation
Then they turn it over to a major corporation
Those companies took the jobs overseas
And you handed them the wallet out your pocket for free
You’re staring in the sky with dollar signs for eyes
The blind right wing of a bird that can’t fly
Just a peacock with a poked out gut
Who’s too fat to fly so his ass just strut but
They’re so criminal minded we’ve been blinded
Looking for an honest job and can’t find it
They got a job bill we got a light bill
If we don’t pay ours our life is quite real

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