Brother Ali

Songtext Not a day goes by Brother Ali


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Not a day goes by

Uh, not a, not a, not a damn day goes by
Somebody hands ain't wavin' high inside a grey sky
They chant my name fly... A-L-I, I'm they guy
They put me on their back and carry when I can't fly
They put me in their skin tattooed it with a pin
Lifted me in the wind, to where I never would have been
I held a window open to my soul and snuck 'em in
They love me like a trusted friend till I come again
I'm in the city putting fan before fame
With a cannon ball and chains spitting aerosol flames,
Dawwg! Such a paradox strange I'm prepared to cause change but
Can I say that I'm all sane
They told me that the top kinda lonely
So I stopped climbin for it
Thought yall might want to hold me
Heey! turns out I already got a category
With a slot all to my lonely God
It's my God that brought this for me babe
When the motha fuckin beat come back again
I can breath real deep, get a second wind
Don't hate what a veteran already did
better just try to peep what the message is
And the message is you will never get
moving us to the sweat of tears you invested in
Next you sit and rest a bit the more blessed you get
And the best deception is that success is effortless
Trust me though it never is
Let me give that more emphasis
Get up off yer ass go do some work
Ain't no reward without moving first
if you not really try to prove your worth
Quit sucking life out the Universe!
Mother fuckers want something for free
It's never gonna be, not from me
These here nigga's my property
And it's all Ali, Monopoly!
And obviously, I believe in charity and modesty
But everything my half blind eyes can see be the tree belongs to me.
I dont even rap like that
Sorry ya'll heard me snap like that
maybe just, maybe take a deep breath
and get myself right back on track.
I love you guys, I just want yall to see the truth about it
If you don't love yourself, ain't nothing I can do about it
This game poluted, crowded, human garbage oozing out it
Buncha dudes in a stupid outfit
Tryna crowd a group of movement, STOP IT
Old school dudes who aint popping
Hate to see your venue get crowded
Aint my fault that you ain't inspired..
Now yall wanna see who can boo the loudest
But then there's so much amazingness that I can't resist it
It's not that aint nobody making it, but they aint listening
At age six I grabbed a brush and started paintin pictures
Grabbed a Mic and looked at God and said OK, hit it!

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