Angel Haze

Songtext Wicked moon Angel Haze


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Wicked moon

Featuring Nicole Wray

Stare at the moon, stare at the moon, moonlight
Flying, wicked moon

I look to the moon, the sun of the night
The stars now have landed
But there's evil in flight
The screams in my mind,
I used to play ground for the team inside
Thoughts to seesaw and I sealed with a slide
Most insane box with a sling in my eyes
The devil's on work now,he's the prince of the earth now
I can hear every thought ,every sound,every rock in the ground
Every creak in the earth now
And he's breathing with me
Trust to bring forth when we be such a beast
Root of all evil and it's seed is in mean
I drift away and he's with me in my asleep and
He tells me to drive, blind me to the elm of the night
Gonna show you what it means to be real
I want you to peel til you get off my side
And I dance with the dark,feels so good that I dance with
The dark side of myself and it tears me apart
Too late become the base and it's right in my heart and
He says drive only feel it 'til you die for
And you can run ,run but you never ever hide from me
Strive for it kill to be alive for it
If you ever wanted baby look up in the sky

(Chorus x2)
Stare at the moon, stare at the moon, moonlight
Flying, wicked moon

He's growing inside me,my tongue's in the shifting
My logic is gone,my conscious is missing
My desire's strong he's all around me like he's on to my bones
He tells me don't think, he says I won't sleep
I won't be at peace 'til I liven his own
And I pick that blade, (pick it up now) pick that blade
Don't drip put it on to your skin
You can slowly stick it in , you gonna take my face
You gonna take my shape, baby girl you gon' be just like me
I infect everything that you touch you
Gon' feel it in your guts with poison ivy
Don't run,don't hide, don't scream ,don't ask for God
'Cause he can't help you now from here out you are mine
And I scream so loud but he took my voice so he comes out
The sound of my voice all that's out of his can
Like I'm drowning with him whenever he spills out
And he drives me insane, he weighs a tone in my brain
Hid on my skin ,fleaks on my face
And I can't see the blight but he's right in my place
And breathe deep and I exhale,lean on me as an exhale
And I'm cracking from the weight of confusion
From the way of the fact that I can't tell
Who's who in this moment
Who's sure to confirm it
And I'm lost in the world, tossed in the world
Now you live the longer ,there's only one way out
My eyes go up and my plane goes down
Loaded up put the guns in my mouth
Pull-a-chika-pow the song comes out like

(Chorus x2)
Stare at the moon, stare at the moon, moonlight
Flying, wicked moon

Babylon don't pull me over I'm so high
Same clothes from yesterday I've saw the light
I'm just trying to make it through let me by
The moon is changing, the moon is changing
Happy going lucky these are my rules
Steps to me you get blasted
I've been saying I love you
The moon is changing, the moon is changing
Changing x8

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