Angel Haze

Songtext Castle on a cloud Angel Haze


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Castle on a cloud

For you,alright, look
I story to tell her ,pennies into a wishing well
See it's hard to cope with a kiss
That you can't tell in a word
That you can't spell in a victim, who can't yell
And they under your fucking nose
With a sickness you can't smell
And the problem is that you really crying for help
Nobody out there can hear you
It's like they silent shit yell
It started when he was 7
Continued to when he was 12
And in the middle of the night
Found another man than himself
But this man was confused, this man was abused
See this man was a tool
To the sickness that he let loose
In fact didn't he abuse , molested and he abused
To the person that he affected was lesser than finna shoes
Damn,he affected the chance to choose
He never gave him an option
He told him what to believe
But never gave him a doctrine
Now little boy bloom, he's just like you
Sick in the head can't die but he'd like too
Damn,same dreams every night too
Screams every night too
Thinks that he's like you
Says every single day there's new demons inside you
They scream and they fight you
They scream to remind you
Of all the fucking pains still breathing inside you
And they give a million reason to die too
But nobody ever sees what's inside you
I know it 'cause they ignore my screams and my cries too
I met a girl once ,went through the same thing
She told me shit happens, but things change
Things change, she told me all this pain
Don't mean change, you gotta take it and remake it
'Til it means strenght,
But I ain't strong enough, I don't think I'm strong enough
Why me man I wasn't even old enough
I wasn't strong enough, wasn't even bold enough
Would've told my mom but that shit would've torn her up
And she was torn enough, and he was mister perfect
And now it's trivial I guess I was just fucking worthless
I just want you to know how much it hurt me
Because of you I feel like I'm not a person
So I sit here with this blade in my hand
I got the pain of a child and a brain of a man
And it's so loud,I wanna fucking scream but I don't know how
I wanna let it go, but I don't how
Yes, it's so loud, I wanna let it go but I don't know how
It's so loud, I wanna let it go but I don't know how
I wanna fucking scream but it won't come out
Tried to escape but there ain't no out
Now I'm stuck here in this castle on a cloud
Castle on a cloud,
Never going up , never getting out,never coming down
Castle on a cloud,
Never going up , never getting out,never coming down
For you

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